Chapter # 20 " Hoorain moments too "

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Again the update is here and me your favourite writer. Hahaha just kidding guys. Don't be serious yaar...

Happy Reading :)

Hoor Malik's POV

I was also wearing the same gown but of change color. Mine color was purple while he was wearing a navy blue or may be black color gown. Who changed my clothes.

Roaming my eyes here and there I came to know that I am not even in my room. What am I doing here in this stupid condition. What he is doing here around me.

My head again started spinning. Holding my head I tried to calm myself when I heard him asking "How are you feeling now? Are you fine?"

I looked at him and got another shock. He was sitting near me. He was very close to me that I felt my breath caught up. I felt sudden heat in my cheeks.

He came more closer and my eyes widened at his proximity. "Asy mat kero aankhyn phat jayn gi phir mujh jesy handsome munday ko daikho gi kesy"

He blinked his eyes acting innocent while saying.

Jerking my head I tried to act angry but truth is that I was feeling like laughing so hard at his childish behavior.

"Excuse me where is Mundaaa???" I asked him stressing on word munda while searching in whole room to find any possible munda near in the room.

"Aham aham what do you mean by this. I am here the most dashing munda in this room." He said jerking his supposed collars up.

I burst up in to a fit of laughter at his compliment on himself. Like seriously he is praising himself woh bhi in front of me.


"What so funny hoor" he asked getting back.

"Nothing is funny uncle" I said and what I did. I promised that I will not say him uncle again.


I was there in jungle and a dog was chasing me. Then I promised that all and last thing I saw before fainting was him. I saw Hussain before loosing myself. Yes I saw him before blacking out and loosing all my senses.

I remember every thing now.

He is the one who saved my life.

I was in my thoughts completely lost. I heard him saying something but couldn't get what he was saying. I turned my face to look at him when saw him again leaning towards me. I started backing off while he continuously leaning kind of hovering over me.

I closed my eyes feeling his hand over my forehead. Opening  my eyes I saw him checking my forehead. "Hmm... bukhar to nahi hai ab tumhyn."

He said and backed off. I felt flushed feeling so low about him.

"So you took me here. Thanks but... butt... actually I mean. Who changed my.." I was not able to complete my sentence due to the sudden shyness. His eyes suddenly went wide and mouth opened in O shape. What so stupid?

Hoor there is definitely something fishy. I can smell it here close to my nose.

"Don't tell me Hoor k tumhyn kuch yaad nahi kay what happened in between us both some moments before..." he asked shocked and turned his face in the opposite direction getting up from the bed. What is he talking about? Am I so dumb or he is the one talking non sense right now.

"Mr Hussain what you are trying to say speak clearly?"

I screamed getting up from the bed. I tried my best to sound normal but I was not at peace due to his suspense waali tone.

"Hoor don't do this to me. Those moments were best moments of my life we shared together and you are saying you forgot every thing. You remember nothing. How could you do this to me?" He said in a sad way as if he will cry soon.

What kind of moments he is talking about?

Who changed my clothes?

Is there any connection in both these questions. I felt my legs go all jelly like. Helping myself by sitting on the bed I so wanted to cry my heart out. What happened to me. What I did.

Kiya Hussain theek keh rahy hein. Oh my God! Please Allah taala ge mujhe moat day dayn is zindagi sat behtar hoga yeh.

Mai to kisi ko mou dikhany k qaabil nahi rahi.

Holding my spinning head with my hands I tried to remember any thing that occured in past few moments.

But all I remember was the scene I got fainted in his arms that also was blurry not so clear.

I felt something hot slipping down my left cheek. Rubbing it with the back of my hand I came to know it was an un knowing tear.


Here the flood started flowing from my eyes. I am so gone. I am not a good person. How come a person do this low thing. Its haram and I did haram. Allah will never fogive me.

"Hey hey stop crying girl. Look at me stop right now I was just kidding. It was all an act" I heard him saying but I can't beleive him.

Not at least now.

Hussain Asif's POV

She sat down on the bed and her head hung low. After few moments I heard her sob and then she started crying really hard.

Oh my God!

She is crying. I was just kidding. Oh not sh**. Kahin woh kuch galat to nahi soch...

What I said was wrong then how could she think right. Us nay galat he sochna hai na. Hussain you again made her cry. Now you must be her cure.

"Hey hey stop crying girl. Look at me stop right now I was just kidding. It was all an act" I tried to convince her but she started crying more harder this time.

What should I do now to soothe her.

I started thinking and here came the super idea in my brilliant mind. Itni tareef woh bhi apni. I know i know I am damn intelligent.

"Look Hoor I was..." my words got lost some where all I could hear was only one sound.

The sound of...


And her finger prints over my left cheek.

To be continued...

Yeh kia hoing? Hussain nay yeh kia ker dia? Or Hoor nay to bomb he phor dala...

Ab kesy bany gi in ki jori.
Right destiny has its way so just thora sabr...

So like the dare?

Well thank you guys 💓💓💓💞

Fe aman Allah till next chapter.

I love you all 💖💖💖

Do dil mil rahy hein magar...

Chupky chupky...

Sub ko ho rahi hai khabar...

Chupkay chupkay...

Don't you worry guys. Nothing special bus song yaad aa gaya so thought to share it with my friends.
Yup you guys are my dear friends.😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Nice song na....

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