Chapter 6

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It has been three weeks since I first helped Harry in the bakery. I went to help once a week it's our new thing I guess because every Sunday when I don't have school or work I go and help bake and clean take orders, it's fun I like it. Also every morning I go to the bakery to get a hot chocolate every moring Harry doesn't want me to pay he gives it to me for free, i feel bad I want to pay I can't just take the free hot chocolate but he just takes the money then pulls me in for a kiss and puts the money back in my pocket or bag. We've been on a more amazing dates, we just have so much fun together and we just clicks. Today Harry got off of work and we are shopping down town I'm just showing him around he tired to buy me something but I wouldn't let him, I let him buy me a smoothie while he got a coffee at Starbucks. Right now we are walking down the street drinking are drinks and holding hands. Harry was wearing black skinny jeans a grey shirt with a red and plaid button up shirt which was unbutton with a black beanie. I was wearing a black shirt with a high waisted jean shorts. As we walked He let me wear his red a plaid shirt. 

"So were should we go next?" He asked swinging our intertwined hands. 

"Um." i thought for a moment. 

Just then a a group of teenage girls waked by they looked at us and one yelled 

"You guys are a cute couple!" over her shoulder.

I looked over at Harry to see his reaction, we haven't talked about if we are a couple or not but we do act like one. He just laughed so I did the same. 

"Stupid teens." i say rolling my eyes. 

Harry just pulls me to his side with his arm around my shoulder and kisses my cheek. "Let's go to the zoo.'' He says.

"Alright!" I say 

We walk to his car and he drives us to the zoo. We look at all the animals, when we get to the wild cat's I say 

"Wow look at that one it's huge." Pointing to the tiger in the corner. 

And harry being the way he is responds "That's a big pussy." 

We both have dirty minds and start laughing. After that we go to get some ice cream. and sit down to eat while we sit Harry brings up a serious topic. 

"Lauren about what those teenage girls said about us being a couple." 

I knew were he was going with this. "You think we should talk about if we are a couple or not." I said

he nodded "Well are we?" 

I smirked "Well usually the boy ask the girls, we've only been on like 9 dates." 

"Ten if you count this one." He says taking a lip of his ice cream.

I push is ice cream so i smashes right in his face. 

"What was that for." He says 

I laugh "What was what for?" I try to say innocently.

He smirks at me and walks over to me sit and throw me over his shoulder. 

"Harry!" I squeal

I can feel is chest move as he laughs. He walks us back to his car as I dangle over his shoulders. People give us strange stares. 

"Nothing to see her people!" Harry yells. 

"Harry you realize this looks like your kidnapping me." I tell him 

That just makes him yell " I'm not a kid napper!" 

I just laugh all the way to the car til he puts me down in the front sit and he gets in on the driver side. We talk about the bakery and collage. Harry 5 years older than me. He wants to have me over for dinner with is mom and step dad. When we get to my door. He kiss me good bye. 

"See you tomorrow for dinner?" He says our faces barley and inch away from each other.

I smile "okay." I say

He kisses my nose "Good bye girlfriend " 

I smile and blush then walk through the door to see Marisol, Cheyenne and Nicol eating Nutella out of the jar.

"Hey how was the day with Harry." Cheyenne says causing Marisol to move her eye brows up and down.

"I think I just got a boyfriend." I say trying to hide my blush. 

A/N I'm sorry but this chapter was stupid. I know sorry. I'll try better next time. 

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