Chapter 16

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Me and Harry have been doing great, our relationship is still strong and everything but the only think that I'm worried about is his flirty with girls. His just a flirty person so it shouldn't bug me because I know he wouldn't cheat and that he loves me. The girls all tell me its okay and I shouldn't worry about it but in the back of my mind i can't help but think. Maybe I shouldn't think, I finally make it to the bakery to see Harry to help him bake. I check my reflection in the mirror real quick. I fix the end of my shirt that is a plain green v-neck, paired with ribbed jeans and brown flats, my hair is just down like usual. I walk in to see Harry taking someones order, in fact I know her, she comes in once a week about this time and tries to hit on Harry, She doesn't seem to like me. She always give me the diriest look with her brown eyes when she walks past then flips her curly long brown hair. Harry spots me and flashes a huge smile. 

"Enjoy the cake." Harry says smiling. but not as big as the smile when he say me. 

"Oh I will." She says walking away with a wink then flashing her death glare my way. 

But she still looks just in time to see Harry jump over the counter and take me in his arms and kiss me. 

"Hello love." Harry says showing his dimple.

"Hi." I say putting my arm around his neck. 

He kisses me again. "Ready to cook?" 

"Yup." i say 

We walk to the back where harry has some cookies cooling. 

"We can start a batch of brownies then some chocolate chip cookies and then ice these cookies." He says pointing to the cookies cooling.

As we cook we end up with a food fight, like always. This time i started it by putting flower in his hair then he smeared cream cheese over my face. Well it ended messy. Harry ends up chasing me around the kitchen and I slip on and egg he catches me and we both fall to the ground. 

Through laughes he says "Maybe we should go get cleaned up." 

still laughing I nod. Harry being the sweet heart he is says he stay to clean up down in the kitchen while I go upstairs to take a shower and I have some cloths left here that I can change into. Harry decided to close early since the only ones left his is this old man about to leave and the bitch. I go take a shower and put on my cloths i walk down stairs to see something that broke my heart. Harry kisses the bitch.

My mouth dropped open. They pulled apart and the bitch had a smirk on her face. 

"Who got him now." She said 

Tears threaten to come out. My heart feels like it feel into my stomach and i'm shocked and this hurt hurts more then any other I have ever felt. 

"How could you." I say looking into Harry's eyes before I run through the doors. 

All i see is Harry pushing the bitch away and running after me. I'm fast but so is he, I hear him calling my name, more like shouting. I try to run faster but in the parking lot  Harry catches me. 

Out of breath and angry I say harshly " What!" 

"Lauren." He pleads. "I didn't kiss her, just hear me out, she kissed me." 

I roll my eyes tears pour down my face. "How can I believe you, you firlt with her and she in to all she every does is hit on you."

He tries to hold me, because now he looks like his holding back tears but i push him away. 

"No Harry." 

"But princess I love you turst me. I can't deal knowing i hurt you. Just listen to the full story." He begs voice shaking slightly crying. 

I can't stand it he kissed her. what if that wasn't the first time he had kissed her, how could i trust him. 

not being able to look at his tear stained face, i say "No how can I trust you when you flirt with other girls all the time, and then go off and kiss them. I'm sorry Harry..."

Before I can finish he says "But I love you. don't you love me?"

I cry harder "I do that's the sad thing, I love you but obviously you don't feel the same way."

I run off crying.  

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