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It was already past midnight when the screaming started.

"I HATE YOU!" Harry yelled at Louis though a sob,"How could you kiss her?"

Louis shook his head,"Babe, I didn't. I would never cheat on you. She kissed me!"

"You didn't push her away!" Harry sobbed, his hands on his belly. 7 months now, how could Louis do this?

"I WAS IN A STATE OF SHOCK! SHE WAS ONE OF MY BEST FRIEND I WASNT EXPECTING IT!" Louis yelled back. Why wasn't Harry listening? Yes, he's pregnant, making it harder to settle things but God damn it, he did not kiss Danielle!

"Is it because I'm fat now!? You were looking to get your fix some where else, huh!? I can't have sēx in this state, and you can't keep it in your pants?!" Harry yelled, it was pure anger now. No more crying.

"I'm so tired of this shīt, Harold! Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you can pick a fight for every little thing!" Louis yelled back.

Sometimes, after work I go have a drink with Zayn and a couple buddies from work because I'm stressed. I lose track of time sometimes, and I'm late. Not because I think that while you're taking care of the kids, I should be able to do whatever the fūck I want!"

Harry only got more angry,"Maybe you lose track of time because you're with some whōre! Why don't you ever appreciate what I do for you?!"

"You're telling me that I don't appreciate things? I gave up so much for you! I was going to study to become a teacher but I had much rather had stayed with you and our kids!" Louis argued,"I was so close to auditioning for X Factor and then you came into my life! I could have been famous! But I.Chose.You."

"Well, you didn't have to!" Harry spat.

Louis let out a laugh,"I didn't have to? You always put up a big show of being a big bad bully but really you were a little scared boy seeking help! Where would you be without me huh!?"

Upstairs, their three children were huddled up in Lucas' room. Elizabeth with earphones on full blast, blocking the angry screaming of her parents.

Lucas was trying to comfort a scared Ashton.

"It's going to be okay, Ash." Lucas said, rubbing his brothers back soothingly.

Ashton sniffled,"Are Daddy and Papa going to get a divorce, Lukey? Michael said that he remembered his parents fighting a lot, and they're not together no more. Is that gonna happen to them?"

"Of course not. Dad and Pops love each other to much. They are just going through a hard time, okay? I promise, they are not getting a divorce." Luke said.

Ashton nodded,"Luke? What is c-"

He was interrupted by the door slamming harshly, hard enough for the house to shake in the slightly.

"Stay here, ash." Luke stood and opened his bedroom door, his Pop's yelling becoming clear.

He heard the door opening again,"I hope you don't come back, you arse!" His Pop's voice cracked mid sentence but he finished it.

Then he heard his Dad's car leave the driveway.

He made his way downstairs as the door closed again.

His papa was sobbing into his hands. Luke's heart ached, he had never seen his papa so...broken.


His Papa's face snapped back and he quickly wiped his tears away,"Luke, everything's fine. Go back to bed."

Luke shook his head,"No, everything is not fine. What is going on? You and Dad have never been ones to fight."

Harry sighed,"It's nothing you have to worry about. It's going to be okay."

Luke glared at Harry,"Dad just left. You can't tell me not to worry about it. Ashton asked me if you were getting a divorce!"

"Don't yell at me, Lucas. I'll tell you alright?" Harry sighed,"Your father and I are just having problems at the moment, okay? We hadn't had problems at all until now, it's just only catching up to us that no relationship is perfect."

Luke sighed,"Where did Dad go?"

Harry frowned,"I don't know. Maybe to your Uncle Zayn's house. Most likely to a club."

"Pops, are you feeling okay? You shouldn't be under to much stress. Uncle Niall almost had a miscarriage with the triplets because of it, remember?"

"I'm fine. That only happened because he was have three and you know how fragile he is. Stress affects him more. Your little brother will be fine." Harry said kissing Luke's forehead,"Go to bed. We're going to visit Grandma Anne tomorrow, remember?"

Luke nodded and stood,"Good night, Pops."

"Good night, honey." Harry responded.

Harry waited until he was out of view to take out his phone.

From: Harry
To: Zayn
Did Louis go to your house?

From: Zayn
No mate, sorry. Another fight?

To: Zayn

From: Zayn
It'll get better.

To: Zayn
I hope so.

He put his phone a way with a sigh. If Louis wasn't at the Horlik house, he is out drinking.

Harry worried. Who would be there if he gets to drunk? He could get hurt. Harry prayed that he'll be okay.

I love how I just brought out the drama unexpectedly B)



Next up: I Still Love You

Book #2: The Power of Family // l.s mpregWhere stories live. Discover now