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8 months and 3 weeks

And Harry was having contractions . Outside, in the very public park, with only his 7(almost 8) year old child.

He remained calm and took in a deep breath. He grabbed his phone and dialed Louis' number. He supported his phone between his ear and his shoulder as he began to pick up the stuff he had brought.

"Hey, Haz. How are you, beautiful?" Louis said, answering in the fourth ring.

"Hi, darling. I'm at the park with Ashton and I'm having contractions. I'm about to get into the car, would you mind meeting at hospital in about 10 minutes?"

Louis gasped,"Harry, ok, ok. Keep calm, it's going to be fine. Are you going to be able to drive?" Louis was breathing heavily.

"Ashton! C'mon, sweetie, we have to go!" Harry yelled out before going back to the phone,"Yeah, I thought it was false alarm but then I had another one. They're about 25 minutes apart, I think I'll be fine."

Harry waited until Ashton had ran ahead of him before following to the car.

"Okay, I'll meet you there, sweetie."

As soon as Harry got to the hospital, he sought put a nurse, telling her about the contractions and how they were now only 10 minutes apart and he is waiting for his husband.

The nurse was surprised that he wasn't completely freaking out until Harry told him that he's had three kids, and has helped his best friend with six kids so he knew the procedure.

Ashton quickly found Louis and it wasn't until then that they got Harry a room.

"Baby now, Daddy?" Ashton asked Louis as the nurse helped Harry to the room and they followed slowly behind.

"Yes, Ash. Your little sister is coming now. Are you ready to be a big brother?" Louis asked Ashton, while texting Luke and Liz to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

It wasn't until the contractions were two minutes apart that Harry really started being a pain.

"Ahh, fuck. Okay, god damn!" He breathed in deeply and flipped of Louis.

Ashton was staring at his father with wide eyes,"Daddy, Papa is cursing. Does he get a time out?"

Louis smiled down at his son and shook his head,"Papa is an adult, he can say it. And he's in pain, therefore he can't really control it."

"Fucking shit!" Harry yelled,"Get this monster out of me!

The doctor came in soon after that to check the dilation and said that it was time to deliver the baby, hurrying the kids out of the room.

"Mr.Styles-Tomlinson, when I say push, push alright?"

"Yes, yes. Just hurry please." Harry breathed in and then cried out in pain when another contraction hit.

"Push!" The Doctor said and Harry complied.

It took about two hours to get the baby out. Harry was exhausted, sweating, and completely tired out.

"Would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked Louis, holding out the scissors.

Louis nodded and cut the cord, taking the chance to look at his new daughter.

The nurses were cleaning her up and checking her to making sure she was okay. They could here her crying and whining and Harry smiled softly, tempted to fall asleep but wanting to see his daughter first.

They handed her to Louis and Louis took her carefully. He smiled down at her,"She's beautiful. What are we going to name her, Haz?"

Harry smiled as he watched his daughter grab her father's finger.


Louis nodded,"Victoria Ashely Styles-Tomlinson."


It's been like two months...I'm sorry.

Book #2: The Power of Family // l.s mpregWhere stories live. Discover now