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Sofia pov.

I woke up freezing cold like who brought Antarctica to my room plus it's may?!

I got changed in my ripped jeans and tank. I did my normal make up had breakfast and left for school yay Friday.

I got to school and saw Cam he was wearing a leather jacketed and a tight white T-shirt that showed of his ABS. He walked towards me.

-"hey" he said checking me out.

-"hey" I replied.

-"you going to the party tonight?" He asked obviously hopping I would.

-"I might " I said shutting my locker and leaving to class cutting the conversation short.

----skip school, I wish I could do this in reality lol----

I was at home trying to decide what to wear. Knowing Taylor, it was his party, most girls will wear short tight dresses.

Even though I hate dresses, I don't mind my black one. My ass looked great in it.

I matched it with my black felt pumps. I curled my hair redid my make up. I left the house and walked to Taylor's it was easy since he lived two houses down.

As soon as I arrived I could see people taking shots, making out, or passed out on the lawn. I walked inside and saw Gilinsky.

-"hey" I said I could tell he wasn't drunk but definitely drunk some.

-"hey, we are playing truth or dare upstairs common with " he said.

He didn't let me answer and grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs. We passed multiple doors before ending up in a room of all the magcon boys. Well at least there's mahogany I like her. There's also Gilinsky and Johnson.

-"hey sit down we are playing truth or dare" mahogany said. I nodded and sat down. Everybody was shocked I did what I was told.

-"I like her" I stated making everyone go ah and mahogany smile at me I smiled back. I looked at Johnson who was on his phone.

-"so Sophy truth or dare" Carter said.

-"dare" I said it's not like they are gonna do anything bad. Taylor then whispered something in Carter's ear and made Carter put on an evil smirk.

-"I dare you to spend the rest of the game only in your underwear " he said. Crap no I'm not afraid of them seeing my underwear it's that I have a huge scar on my back given to me by Darren, my ex.

-"fine but don't stare at my back and don't ask any questions " I said making them all put on a face of confusion but nod. When I took it of there eyes were either glued to my ass or chest the only ones that weren't looking were mahogany and Johnson. The ones that stayed looking at my ass when everybody looked away was: Cameron, Nash,Gilinsky, Shawn and Taylor. I rolled my eyes.

-"ok, guys stop staring." I shouted and they looked away and blushed.

-"ok so Johnson truth or dare" I said.

-"truth" he said.

-"what do you think of Katy?" I said.

-"she's amazing she's beautiful smart and funny"

I just smirked and nodded my head.

-"ok Gilinsky, truth or dare? " jj asked.

-"dare" he said acting brave.

-"I dare you to take 5 shots then make out with Sofia" he said with a smirk. I'm gonna kill Johnson but the fact he said that shows he is turning a bit bad ass. Thank you Katy.

I rolled my eyes and Gilinsky smirked. The guys faces we're either amused or pissed and jealous.

Gilinsky took the shots then came over. He pulled me on his lap. He kissed me slowly then it got deep and passionate. We we're interrupted by Shawn coughing loudly. I avoided eye contact and went back to my seat. I could tell Gilinsky saw cause he smirked.

-"so Shawn truth or dare?" Gilinsky asked.

-"dare" he said.

-" I dare you to kiss mahogany" Gilinsky said with a smirk. I don't know why but as soon as he said that I got a bit jealous. Ugh I just put on a fake smile pretended I was happy. I have done it for so long this is what people think my actual smile is.

They kiss...he seemed to like it. I can't do anything now he probably likes her.

-"I ship it " I screamed.

Shawn's POV

The kiss was good but mahogany is just a friend. What made my heart break was when she shipped me and mahogany. If only she knew.

Sofia. POV

Trust me to like the one that likes someone else.

-"Sofia truth or dare?" Shawn asked me.

-"truth "

-"who is the hottest person here?" Shawn said with a smirk.

As soon as Cameron Nash Gilinsky and Taylor heard this they pulled of their tops and posed.

I burst out laughing at them.

-"fine Nash cause of his eyes" I said in a high pitch voice bating my eyelashes.

-"suck it " Nash said putting his top on. Taylor just looked at me as if I had mental.

-"seriously, Nash" Taylor said

Nash put on an offended face causing me to laugh.

-"well bye guys"

I said putting on my dress and leaving. I walked out the door and walked home. When I got there I felt something weird all the cleaners and chefs had gone home and mom was away with Jenny. I was alone.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

-"miss me" he whispered.

Oh shit.

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