"Dear darling please excuse my writing, I can't stop my hands from shaking "
Came from my alarm ugh Tuesday why can't you be Friday!
I grabbed my Black skater skirt and tank that said
Normal is boring.
I matched it with my black combat boots. For make up I did the same as always black eyeliner and drastic red lipstick. I grabbed an apple and left to my Lamborghini. My Lamborghini is my pride and joy. Well for the next two weeks that's when I sell it and give it to a children's home.
I got in the car and blasted do you wanna know by article monkeys. Today is when the fun starts I thought while I was driving to school.
Shawn's POV when they we're at the lake.
-" Taylor leave Nash alone! " Cameron said as Taylor had Nash on his shoulder ready to throw his in the lake. Mahogany's the only one that acts a bit responsible.
-" hey guys what do you think of the new girl?" Taylor asked.
-"bad ass, she talked and sassed back and offended Mr Bunche funniest thing ever. Sadly she doesn't like us."
-"I know she thought I was gay! " I pouted.
Everybody laughed which caused me to pout more.
-"yeah she thinks we are all cocky cause we got lucky, and are mainly famous because of hormonal teens" can said causing more laughs
-"hey what about me " mahogany said.
-"I don't know" they all said.
-"I'm the only one she likes." Gilinsky boasted
-"what? " everybody asked.
-"she ditched detention and went by the meadow at the back of the school. I went there to smoke because katniss cheated on me, and said that she was using my fame. We talked and said I wasn't as much as a dick that she thought "
-"oh " everyone said.
After more goofing off everybody went home. All night i couldn't get her voice out of my head all night. I loved how she didn't give a fuck but then didn't obviously wanted people to know that she could sing.
I put my head out my pillow and let sleep take over me.
Ughhhh i hate mornings.
I got up got dressed and had breakfast. I had to look good for her.
Cameron POV
I have to look good for...her
Nash POV
I have to look good for... her
Gilinsky POV
I have to look good for...her
Taylor POV
I have to look hotter than i always do i know for some people that know me would say its impossible. I will find a way for her.
(A/n i new i had to do something special for Taylor)
Sofia's POV
I walked into school and saw all of the magcon boys. That wasn't just it Cameron,Nash,Gilinsky , Taylor and Shawn all were wearing the same outfit.
-"wow i didn't know you guys could get more cool " i said sarcastically as they followed me like lost puppies to my locker.
-"so you think we are cool?" Taylor smirked.
-"yes if your cool that means I'm hot" i stated winked and left.
I had English. I walked in and sat down i was getting out my English book when i felt 3 presences sit down around me.
The one sitting behind me was Nash, the one on my right was Taylor and the one on my left was Gilinsky.
-"hey sexy " Taylor whispered.
-"shut up" i whispered back.
-"oh feisty me likey " Taylor whispered
I rolled my eyes
-"if you cant handle my sass you cant handle my ass" I sassed i said it a bit too loud because it caused the teacher to hear.
-"do you have something to share to the class miss Sofia" the old woman said bitterly.
-"nothing other than the fact that Mr cannif is a manwhore." I said bluntly trying to hide my smile.
The class gasped and chuckled lightly.
-"don't talk while I'm teaching" She said how most teachers would.
-"don't teach when I'm talking" i replied with a smirk.
-"detention now" she demanded. I got up and left.
Right before leaving i yelled.
-"twas a pleasure miss grumpy." I could feel her scowling at me. Then right as i was walking down the halls i heard someone do something very stupid.
-"COCK HEAD!" He yelled and if you guessed that person was Nash. Well then you were correct.
He came running towards me and put his arm around me and smiled his devil smile while staring at me with his blue eyes.
I pulled his arm off of me which caused his smile to fall and mine to grow.
-"bye" i said getting in my car
I heard the passenger seat door open and nash got in.
-"what are you doing?" I said getting annoyed oh my inner latina is coming out.
-" i wanna learn about you, i want to be friends"
-" im not friends with good boys" i said trying to get him out.
-"you told gilinsky about yourself and he didnt tell us anything." He said pouting
-"he had weed" i said obviously
-"i have chocolate " he grinned.
-"fine" i huffed i mean i cant hate him if i don't know him personally.
I started the car and drove home.
When i got inside i saw jenny on the couch.
-"hey lil' soso what are you doing early"
-" didn't want to go to detention" i shrugged sitting down next to her.
-" i would tell you not to do it again, but we knew it wouldn't work" she said causing us to laugh.
-"so who's the boy"
-"jenny this is nash grier the " vine guy" " i said putting air qoutes on vine guy.
-"you know jennifer aniston?" He said shocked.
-"yeah she is my moms bestie and mine" i said looking at her with the wine glass in her hand as she watched modern family.
-"wow" he said still stunned .
-"so what do you want to know?" I asked.
Magcon people ➡ magcon people.

New Bad Girl (Magcon Book 1 Complete)currently Editing
FanfictionHey, my names Sofia or how my friends call me "lil' soso". Sofia is sassy, classy and a bit bad-assy she breaks the rules, talks back, smokes, drinks and plays pranks. but hey no good girl ever made history. she moves in with her mother in la and...