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Today was the day of our flight to magcon, Orlando. the guys left two days ago and i cant wait to surprise them and the fans i have been getting more and more popular and am so happy.

I had finished packing and mahogany and aaliyah came into my room.

-"ready?"aaliyah asked with her purple suitcase by her side. I nodded. To be honest i was terrified i mean what would happen if i came and none of my fans were there and the fans there were only the guys' ? Also mahogany told me about a couple of other people joining. What if they didn't like me? Wow i have completely lost all my confidence. Common Sofia you can do this. Breathe breath breath.

-"nervous" mahogany asked smirking.

I nodded she put a hand on my shoulder.

-"don't be your amazing, talented with a great personality that makes people remember you and your craziness. You also have a killer style." Mahogany said smiling she made me feel a bit better but i was still terrified.

I nodded and smiled gratefully as i stood up and we all walked out the house waving goodbye to mami, jenny, the cooks and cleaners.

We got in the taxi and headed to the airport.

We got to the airport and instead of one of those long waits where you get to have a Starbucks and go to the bath room. We were running around because we turned out to be half an hour late. Sorry i never really look at times.

We finally got seated but my seat was separated from mahogany's and aaliyah. Fucking perfect.

I sat down on my window seat and an extremely cute boy sat down next to me.

-"hi I'm kian" he said sticking out his hand for me to shake it. I shook it.

-"Sofia but call me lil' soso" i said.

-"i know, your pranks are hilarious. " he said.

-"cool i was a fan of o2l until it broke up" i said with a pout. He laughed at my expression.

-"i know its sad. " he said making another pouty face.

I laughed.

-"so why are you coming to Orlando?" He asked me.

-"well you cant tell anyone but i am a new secret member of magcon only Bart, mahogany and my sister know. Why are you coming to magcon?"

-"me and JC are guest stars " he said with a smirk.

-"thank god do you know who the others are?" I asked he nodded.

-"me, JC, Aaron and Madison beer" he said counting with his fingers.

I nodded and we talked until he offended my candy so i jokingly gave him the silent treatment while listening to music blocking him out.

Nobody offends lil' soso's skittles.

i started thinking about these last few days well i have talked to the guys and apologised to them. The guys met jack. The jacks and jack are now best friend called the three musketeers. Jack left and now I'm on my way to magcon wow i have had an eventful week.

I was in the middle of a 5sos song when kian started poking me. When i looked he was doing the crab face and i just laughed.

-"the plane landed booska booska " he said making me laugh.

I nodded and started getting my stuff.

-"hey I'm sorry about the whole skittles and MnMs thing, could i make it up to you by taking you on a date?" He asked me.

I put on a sad face.

-"kian, i have a boyfriend" i said his face dropped.

-"I'm sorry i just cant do that to Shawn"

He nodded and stayed silent.

Good job Sofia now he probably hates you.

Shut up brain.

-"so ready to go?" Kian asked me eliminating the tension.

I nodded as we got our luggage into the limo.

We arrived at the hotel. I went straight up to the room. I went up to the room that was making most noise on our floor somehow i figured out it was the magcon guys.

I opened the door.

-"I'M HERE BITCHES!" I shouted causing everybody to look at me.

I was embraced in a huge group hug and we all fell on the floor.

-"what are you doing here?" Cameron asked.

-"I'm a secret new person who's joining magcon" i said.

As soon as i said that screams were unleashed they sounded like 14 year old girls at a Justin bieber concert like high pitched everywhere i was embraced in another set of hugs and i noticed something Shawn wasn't here i already saw Aaron and JC. Kian, mahogany and aaliyah were already here. It was just Shawn and Madison missing. I suddenly got a bad feeling.

-"hey guys where's Shawn?" I asked.

-"hes in his room showing madison his new song" matt said with half a donut in his mouth. It so funny his face. I nodded and began walking towards shawns room i had an extremly bad feeling about this.

I hope i was wrong.

I opened the door and saw something that made my smile fall. Heart break and tears fall.

-"shawn" i whispered.

He looked up and saw me. His face was shocked and scared.

I closed my eyes as the view became blurry. I walked out slaming the door i went down the halls to my room as i was walking down the halls i saw someone. Look at me then hug me.

-"sh sh it ok" i knew that voice anywhere kian.

-"he he cheated on me" i said as more tears fell he kept on hugging me.

-"its ok I'm gonna kill him." He said trying to make me laugh.

I shut my eyes trying to erase the image but it stayed there. The image of Shawn screwing Madison. I'm done with love it causes so much pain.

-"im ok i am going to go out ok ill see you in the morning" i said he nodded and walked away.

Time to get over Shawn. No matter what he says i will not trust him again. We are over.

Kian ➡kian Lawley
JCJC caylen
Madison beer ➡Madison beer
Aaron ➡Aaron carpenter.

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