Sofias pov.
-"for the last time guys no i am not a werewolf" i said.
We were all around the fire discussing the event with the wolf. They keep suggestion im a supernatural. I think i would already know that. Mabey it was my pefume or something that made it not attack me.
-"ooh mabey you a Parsel tongue like in harry potter." Mahogany suggested.
The guys started agreeing making me roll my eyes.
-"ok guys this harry potter is going to sleep" i said.
-"night" they said i saluted them and layed down with my blanket on the cold hard ground.
I was deep asleep when i felt like i was being pulled. I let it go because it was part of my dream.
I woke up in a place of the woods i didn't recognize.
I looked around there were the autumn leaves around me.
The cold breeze swept through my hair. I sat up and started hearing shouting.
-"SOFIA!!! SOFIA!!!" It shouted.
I noticed that voice ah it was jacks. I stood up and walked towards him.
-"im here and ok" i said getting towards him. I felt a burning sensatio against my wrist and i saw a moon sort of burned scar a shade darker thsn my skin tone.
-"what the actual fuck" i said staring at it.
-"what?" Jack asked.
I showed him my wrist.
-"ok im sure its an alergic reaction. To something here and its just a coincidence how it looks like a moon." He said unsure of it.
I nodded and we walked back to camp.
When i got there i realised i had no idea how i got there.
-"ok who dragged me out in the middle of the night to the middle of the woods as a prank."
Everybody looked around i rolled my eyes as we all packed and left back to the hotel.
This time i sat on Taylors lap and unlike Nash who tried to keep me still. Taylor did the opposite.
-"uh baby yes Ughhhh" he moaned with his huge erection like damn boy you thirsty as fuck.
I elbowed him in the ribs but he wouldn't stop. Finally we got back to the hotel.
I ran up to my room and do you know the first thing i did? I showered.
I got out and saw Luke on the bed. I put on some music and got dressed while he was on the bed. When i was finished getting dressed i edited the video. I was in the middle of editing and the smell of cheese burger came to my nose i looked up from my laptop to see JC in front of my with a bag of McDonalds, an injection with a blue liquid in in and a smirk plastered in his face.
-"ok lets make this quick" i said rolling my eyes. He stabbed me with the injection i hurt like a bitch.
I ate the cheese burger and it was disgusting i wanted to puke but i wouldn't. I tried to forget the image out of my head.
We all went into the room everyone was in. As soon as i walked in i saw Shawn and Madison making out hardcore. I rolled my eyes to cover the pain in them.
We all sat down in a circle.
A/n this conversation is shit long so I'm using their initials.
C.d: how about we play truth or dare.
Everybody: ok
C.r: me first, sofia truth or dare.
S.d: dare
C.r: i dare you to turn me into a werewolf.
S.d: for the last time carter im not a were wolf *rolls eyes*
M.b: are you sure cause you are a bitch? *bitchy voice*
S.d: a female dog, the thing that makes puppies. Thanks for the compliment.M.b: at least i have a boyfriend.
Ok that got me pissed like more pissed than i have ever been.
S.d: yeah a boyfriend that you stole from me. *spitting voice*
M.l: Sofia are you ok?
S.d: perfect why?
M.e: your eyes are glowing blue.
They all looked terrified.
I looked in the mirror what the hell. I'm a monster. Whats going on first the scar and now this. This has to be a prank.
I ran back to my room. I went on to my computer to see if i had a disease it something to fucking explain.
No diseases came up ok now I'm freaking out what am i? Whats going on? I'm a freak. I'm a mutant.
I was having a panic attack and i heard a knock at the door. I clutch the necklace that Danny gave me to calm myself down.
I had fibally calmed myself down. I opened the door and saw carter come in.
-"hey are you ok?" He said.
I laughed bitterly.
-"I'm a freak" i said.
-"no your not there has to be a logical explanation" he said coming inside and sat on my bed. He grabbed my laptop and started looking through pages and searching things.
-"hey i think i found something" he said like half an hour later.
-"what ?" I said sitting next to him.
Is a rare reaction for change of eye colour. It is very rare but this reaction it caused by and allergy toward the Holly cliff flower. The plant spreads the scent on to victim causing blotches to grow on the place the scent was placed. A rare symptom of this allergy is change of eye colour it enhances the actual colour of the iris. This flower was used in ancient cultures along the coast of hunter fields. To wear off bears and wolfs...
-"CARTER YOUR A GENIUS!" I shouted jumping up and diwwn in the bed hugging him.
-"i know" he said smugly i just rolled eyes

New Bad Girl (Magcon Book 1 Complete)currently Editing
FanficHey, my names Sofia or how my friends call me "lil' soso". Sofia is sassy, classy and a bit bad-assy she breaks the rules, talks back, smokes, drinks and plays pranks. but hey no good girl ever made history. she moves in with her mother in la and...