Taylors POV
Sofia has been acting strange the last few days. SHE EVEN GOT A BOYFRIEND AND ITS NOT ME! Also her boyfriend is really possessive.
She doesn't talk to anyone. She does her work and never speaks she looks afraid of everything I saw a bruise on her neck and when I went to talk to her about it but she just said sorry and left. Lil' soso never apologizes.
On another note Shawn had a cool song cool stitched it made charts and everything. He made it with anonymous whoever that person is they have skills.
I'm on my way to talk to Sofia cause I think there's something wrong. When I got there the door was wide open and I saw Sofia passed out in her own blood and Cameron beating the shit out of some guy.
I ran over him and pulled him off.
-" no he deserves this he beat Sofia " he screamed
Even though I wanted to help can and beat him up. But came was gonna kill him. I had to do the responsible thing. I called 911 while holding cam.
Sofia's POV.
I woke up and my eyes straight away shut due to the brightness. After they adjusted I could see I was in the hospital. All I could remember was Darren beating me then seeing someone coming all I could tell was that he was a guy around my age.
I looked around the room and saw nine boys and a girl with bright hair. Suddenly I remembered they were magcon.
They we're all asleep in the chairs it was so funny. I through my pillow at mahogany who jumped up when she saw who through it.
-"she's awake!" Mahogany screamed causing all the guys to wake up and surround me. I was nervous.
-"who found me?" I asked.
-"I came to see what was going on but then I cane in and Cameron beating the crap outta your boyfriend so...us" Taylor said.
-"thank you" I said quietly
-"why didn't you tell ?" Mathew said.
-"i cant "
-"your just like Shawn and his song he cant tell us who helped him." Nash said rolling his eyes.
I gave a small smile.
-"you its you" mahogany started screaming pointing at me all of the boys looked like they were putting the pieces together Shawn just smiled innocently.
-"you told her" i gritted through my teeth.
-"its true" she screamed
I mentally face palmed due to the fact that he didn't tell her i did.
-"i didn't tell her you did " Shawn said it innocently then smirked. I rolled my eyes.
-"you sing? " Gilinsky said shocked.
-"not for a while" i stated.
-"Darren is in jail" carter said. I suddenly felt like i could breath.
-"thank you guys" i said smiling.
-"wow is she on drugs or something" cam said pretending to check the machines.
-"shut up dipshit" i said.
-"never mind" he said pretending to be relieved.
-"so you sing" JJ said smirking.
-"yes"i said.
-"sing for us, please" they all begged.
-"fine only cause I'm loopy on the machines."
-" You don't own me
I'm not just one of your many toys
You don't own me
Don't say I can't go with other boysAnd don't tell me what to do
And don't tell me what to say
And, please, when I go out with you
Don't put me on display'Cause, you don't own me
Don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me
Don't tie me down
'Cause I'll never stayI don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do
So, just let me be myself
That's all I ask of youI'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way that I want
To say and do whatever I pleaseAnd, don't tell me what to do, yeah
Don't, don't you tell me what to say
And, please, when I go out with you
Don't put me on displayI don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do
So, just let me be myself
That's all I ask of you
I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way that I want
To say and do whatever I pleasei finished and everybody's jaw had fallen. everbodys except for Shawn's.
-"your amazing " Nash said.
-"thanks i have always had a passion for music"
-"do you play anything?" Cam asked.
-"piano, guitar, drums, trumpet, sax, violin and i can rap" u said and their jaw dropped again.
-"I'm a music prodigy i have gotten scholarships because of it" i smiled proud of it.
-"wow can I marry you?" Gilinsky said joking.
-"sorry already engaged to Justin bieber" I joked. We all laughed.
We just talked and I realised once you get to know them their really nice and funny oh wow I am being so cliche bad girl in the end likes the good people.
I hope it's stays like this.
(A/n oh bunny it won't the story needs drama)

New Bad Girl (Magcon Book 1 Complete)currently Editing
FanfictionHey, my names Sofia or how my friends call me "lil' soso". Sofia is sassy, classy and a bit bad-assy she breaks the rules, talks back, smokes, drinks and plays pranks. but hey no good girl ever made history. she moves in with her mother in la and...