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Sofia's POV.

I woke by the hard knocking on the door. I groaned and opened it to see jack on the other end. His eyes were all red and blotchy. My fists turned into balls and my knuckles went white.

-"what happened, Johnson"

-"Katy dumped me" he said as he burst into tears.

-"common pumpkin sit down and explain" h e nodded and sat himself down on the bed.

-"she said she didn't want to do anything with me and i should leave her alone"

What? She never ends it with that. I'm gonna call her i need to know the truth.

I kissed his cheek and hugged him.

-"don't worry you deserve better. Katy isn't a relationship girl. Don't blame yourself. I'm gonna call her ok? Just go to bed." He nodded and layed down. I grabbed my phone and won't into the halls.



-"why did you break up with Johnson?" I may have sounded harsh but something was up.

-"because i don't know i don't like him anymore" she said a little too quickly

-"the truth" i know when she lies.

-"fine its because i like him. I like him way too much. I don't want to get hurt"she whispered her voice cracked at the end.

-"he wont hurt you, he has been crying non stop."

-"he has?" She asked.

-"yes now get your but out on a plane and come to tell him you love him" she hung up rude.

I walked back inside and Johnson was out cold. I put the outfit i layed out last night and pack everything. I sighed packing my pyjamas back in. I wore converse and a white romper.

-"ugh" i heard Johnson say as he got up.

-"hey sleepy head" i said teasing him a bit.

-"what time is it?"


-" we have got magcon in an hour " he said running out the door as i llaughed.


-"WAS SUP EVERYONE" JC screamed through the microphone i laughed.

-"we are going to have an ask magcon slash everyone here ready?" Nash said.

-"ready!" The guys screamed i laughed.

-"you with the pink top"

-"where's Hayes?" the girl said i had to admit she was really pretty and aaliyah was really jealous.

-"MY boyfriend is in the giant panda suit. He lost the bet" she said. I chuckled as the panda ran up to aaliyah and hugged her spinning her around she giggled and the crowd awed.

-"you with the red lips"

-"would you rather eat your hair or fingers."

-"hair" i answered. Getting weird looks.

-"it grows back and during the time you could wear wigs" they all ahhed and i rolled my eyes.

-"you with the i love lil' soso top"

-"wait when did i have merchandise" i said smiling a little.

-"i made it myself" she said putting her head down blushing.

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