Your Eyes Whispered Have We Met

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I watched in disgust from the booth as Klaus devoured his breakfast like the animal that he his in front of all these people. It was if he didn't have a care in the world that practically everyone was judging him. Does he have no respect at all? Oh wait, he doesn't. Looking for something new to look at, i leaned my head towards the window to look out into the world past Granny's Diner. From across the street stood Peter Pan himself, leaning up against the wall with no Lost Boys in sight. First thinking it was strange and then suddenly realizing- strange doesn't cover it enough. At least, not with this town anymore. I've been here for almost a month and this boy still sees me as something of interest and value. I watched him as he watched me with a glare in his eyes and something changed as Henry came running down the street, a huge smile on that lovable face. As he passed by where Pan was standing, i watched as a grin grew on Pan's face as if he knew exactly why Henry looked so excited. I may not have known what it was like to be a parent but what i do know is that my concern for Henry as grown. And I knew that Klaus could see this for all he did was grow more curious of how much I've changed since we last met. 

"You shouldn't be so concern for a boy you just met a month ago, love. It's showing from the pretty little worry lines on your face." Klaus sneered with a hint of humor in his tone. Looking at him with no expression, i gave him a thought.

"In that case, put yourself in my shoes. But let me give it a twist. Say that, your family's life is on the line, and instead of Henry and this town, exchange it for Hope and the rest of your family and friends. You could practically say goodbye to your kingdom called New Orleans." I sneered back. I knew i was convincing enough because Klaus leaned back against the booth across from me, defeated. 

"How do you know of Hope?" Was all he asked, not looking at anyone else but me.

"Ain't it funny rumors fly?" I sang with a light sense of humor in my voice. Before Klaus could say something back, Henry burst through the door with excitement.

"It's official! It's actually happening!" He shouted with joy for the whole diner to hear. Running over to me when he had the chance, he handed me a folded envelope.

"Here, this one's especially for you, Katherine." He said with a warm smile before running around the diner and back out again. 

Ripping it open, I discover that its an invitation to a ball that Regina is throwing. Looking up to see Klaus watching me, Ruby comes over and sets down the bill for Klaus.

"Ruby, what's with Regina's ball?" I asked slightly confused.

"It's just something she's been doing to get everyone together despite the darkness surrounding us because of you know who. Sadly, every fairy tale character is invited." 

"And by every one, you mean Pan too?" I ask with a nod she returned before walking away. 

I heard Klaus start to snicker as we both walked out of the diner.

"You're not even a fairy tale character." He smirked under his breath.

I went to smash the door against him which he just caught and gave me a threatening look. 

"And last time I checked, you were just a bad nightmare parents told their kids if they behaved like brats." I snapped back under my breath. 

Klaus stepped in front of me with his speed as a hybrid but i thought quicker, knowing by our past, he would do that.  It was just second nature to him. Grabbing me by the arm, I changed up my routes. So instead of attacking him like a would always want to, I took the more simple route and forced magic at him only to send him flying backwards into the street. Just looking at me, i probably looked murderous to other people right now. But I didn't care. Klaus finally needs to learn the lesson that there will always be more powerful people around him. All of a sudden, Lost Boys started appearing from left to right and formed a circle around Klaus and I. 

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