Oil and Water

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I glanced around at the surrounding trees as I strutted down the paved road to this so called town of StoryBrooke. I passed the sign twenty minutes ago and so far, nothing. Opening my purse, I watched the time tick another second on my phone: 10:15pm. I brushed a section of my long, curly brown hair back behind my right shoulder as I walked on. I made sure not to look around as I saw a small yellow light coming from a street lamp from the horizon line. Thinking I could easily run my way in, I choose not to. Who knew, maybe vampires didn't exist over here and I certainly didn't want to expose myself just yet. I needed time to adjust and get this town to get used to me being around now that I was alive and a vampire again. Yes, I'm a vampire again, weird how fate/destiny works. Oh well, I am Katherine Pierce and I am a survivor. I do however wonder what happened to my poor doppelganger Elena. I did indeed inject the little syringe into her body thanks to Wes since he couldn't help Nadia or I. Then I get killed by my soul mate, how cliche. Again, oh well, I now have a new life and its about to start as I saw different kinds of people walking around the well-lit town of StoryBrooke. I skipped up onto the sidewalk and watched as people and teenagers pass me. Looking into the shops with lights still on, it didn't seem like just another town. It somewhat reminded me of Mystic Falls, but in a different state. As I looked around, I noticed a man in a brown trench coat walk towards me with his Dalmatian dog.

        "Hello there miss. Are you lost?" He asked curiously but nicely. The dog started to sniff my bag that had clothes in it.

        "No, I'm actually right where I need to be but if you could direct me to a place to stay, that would be a great help." I acted like I was Elena Gilbert as a cover-up. A smile grew on his face.

        "Sure, if you come with me, I'll get you a room at Granny's Inn. Please, this way." He led the way as I smiled widely. Yes, he fell for it. 

This is going to be so easy. 

Every now and then he would look back and I would smile and he returned one but as soon as he turned his head, my smile slowly turned into a straight line. Just walking behind him made people look at us, some with wondering eyes and others, quite suspicious. I silently laughed at them and rolled my eyes as the man and I rounded a corner when he knocked into a tall teenager. The man fell to the ground as I backed up just in time as the dog barked at the tall kid and two other boys.

        "Watch where you're going cricket!" He the boy sneered down at the man as he looked at me for a second before stalking away behind me. 

        "Bad blood I see." I commented to mostly myself before I decided to help the man up since I was trying to make a 'good' impression here. 

        "Yes, there is some very bad blood here but if you avoid it with every possible moment, you'll be fine, Miss-"

        "Pierce, you can call me Miss Pierce." He didn't need to know my real name yet. He held out a hand and I shook it.

        "I'm Dr. Hopper and this is Pongo. Shall we then Miss Pierce?" He asked as he introduced himself before walking towards the sign that said Granny's Inn. 

Once he walked through the door, a bell rang in a high pitch as two women entered from a room behind the counter. One young girl and one old woman.

        "Archie, what are you doing here? And who is she?" The young girl asked. 

        "Oh, Granny, Ruby, this is Miss Pierce. She needs a place to stay. Don't worry I'll pay for it." The last part he looked at me and I smiled. 

        "Alright Miss pierce, how long will you be staying?" The old woman asked while opening a book and grabbing a pen from a cup.

        "Long enough to find a permanent place to stay." I answered, in all honesty too. The old woman smiled and before she could write anything in the book, the young girl took the pen from her hand.

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