Chapter Eleven

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I sat at my vanity doing my makeup before I got ready for work. My hair was still tied up to perserve the new do I got yesterday. I laid my outfit out on the bed as I decided on what to wear.

"Shawn, have you seen my gold earrings with the blue diamonds?"

Shawn was in the closet scanning through his clothes for something to wear.


"Huh? Naw baby. Didnt you put them in your little box on the dresser?" He responded without looking in my direction.

I slipped on my navy blue dress and nude heels as I went to look where Shawn said my earrings should be. He was right. I sat down at my mirror as I put them in.

Shawn stood behind me putting on his suit and tie as he fixed his sleeve. I pulled off my bonnet and combed my hair down from the wrap that I slept in and styled it. I waited for Shawn to notice the new hairstyle as he stood behind me. I mean you couldnt miss it. The different rays of purple was vibrant as hell.

He walked up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Alright baby, I'm gone." He said before he walked out the room without even mentioning anything about my hair.

I sat in the mirror looking at my reflection like really.. but I decided to let it slide.. blaming it on him being in a rush.

I grabbed my clutch from the bed, my jacket from the closet and walked out the room heading out the door to my car.

I drove to my office to get my day started even though it was already starting out rough.

The days flew by and Shawn was beginning to become MIA. He would go to work like usual in the morning but after he got off he wouldnt come home. At first he would call to let me know he was planning on stopping by the hospital or his moms house after work but after a few days passed, the calls and texts stopped coming and he would stay out all night.

I understand that he was a little depressed and under the weather about his father's condition, which was bouncing up and down but he could at least let me know of his where-a-bouts. I mean I am his wife.

After work on a Friday afternoon, I decided to stop by his mother's house. I pulled up in front of the house and was relieved when I saw her car parked in front of the carport. I pulled up behind her, parking the car and getting out.

I walked up to the front door and knocked. I few moments later the door swung open and she stood in front of me.

"Hey Catherine." I greeted with a big smile.

"Hey Paula, c'mon on in honey, how you been?" She asked as I walked in and she followed behind me.

"I've been okay. I didnt mean to stop by unannounced.." I started as we sat down in the living room together.

"Dont worry about it, I was just picking up some things for James before I went back out to the hospital but what brings you by?"

"Its Shawn. Things have been out of the ordinary lately.."

"How so?"

"Well mama, I understand that his father is in the hospital and he wants to be by his side but he doesnt inform me on anything lately. I mean am I just over reacting or something?"

She thought about what I just said for awhile.

"Youre right, Shawn should make it his business to call you and let you know what is going on. You two are married and communication is everything.. Shawn is having a rough time dealing with his father's condition honey. We all are. One day we think he's doing okay and the next day he's being moved back to icu. Now if you have something inside of you making you think he's up to no good.. I can assure you he's not. He came over here the other night and stayed in his old bedroom. Its a pride thing Paula.. he doesnt want you to see him while he's down.."

"But isnt that what I'm here for? For better or for worse?" Through thick and thin?"

"I hear what youre saying but its a man's thing baby. Give him some time. I know this is new to you cause you two have been stuck up under eachother since youve been married. I know for sure that he's been with Greg alot and you know how Greg is. He wont let him get into any trouble."

"I really appreciate your words mama Catherine. Youre right I'm not use to Shawn not being by my side every second."

"I know it. Thats how James and I were."

"Is he doing any better?"

"Every now and then we hear some good news. I'm just glad he's still here. Most people don't survive a collision with a semi."

"Yeah. He's going to pull through. I just know it. My mama always tells me Prayer is the key and Faith unlocks the door."

"Your mother is a wise woman." She said. "Have you been to the hospital yet?"

"No ma'am."

"Well you can come with me. James would love to see your face." She said as she patted my thigh.

"Okay. I'll trail you in my car." I responded as we got up to head out the door.

I stood in the elevator beside Catherine waiting for the doors to open. We reached the thrid floor and the doors slid open. We walked out and headed down the hall to room 234. When we walked in the room James was laying down in the bed with tubes coming from everywhere and bandages were covering most of his body. His eyes were open as Catherine walked up to his bedside.

"James honey, look who came to see you." She started as she rubbed and squeezed his hand. "Its your daughter Paula."

I walked up to his bedside and smiled as I spoke to him.

I admit seeing James laying in that hospital bed was so surreal. I see why Shawn was so emotional. I was getting a little teary eyed standing there looking at him. I was so use to him up and moving around.. dictating and demanding things.

James squeezed my hand as I spoke to him, which made me smile even more. Eventhough he couldnt say much, I knew he was happy to see me standing here.

"Hey Son.."

I looked up as I heard Catherine greeting someone who walked in. I looked across the room at Shawn as he spoke with his mother.

"Paula.. can I talk to you for a minute." I heard him ask.

I looked back down at James before I let go of his hand to see what Shawn wanted.

We walked out the room and went into the hallway. He stood there with his hands in his pockets, tie loosened and jacket unbuttoned as he stared at the floor.

"Momma told me you stopped by. I know I'm not myself right now.. besides you, half of me is laying in a hospital bed."

"I understand.." I started

"Just let me.. let me finish. I'm sorry I keep leaving you by yourself and I understand that I can come to you with anything. I just.. baby I apologize for not giving you the attention and time that you need."

"I know youre having a rough time and thats understandable but I get concerned when I dont hear from you."

"I know and I should keep you posted on where I'm at. Like lately, Ive been hanging with Greg at his place and some nights I'll stay with moms."

"Yeah she told me you stayed over one night."

"Yea. You know family is everything to me. I had to make sure mom was okay and Greg.. he gets into his ways sometimes. You know he doesnt take bad news lightly.. he drinks heavily and Ive been keeping eyes on him. I dont need him in the hospital too."

I nodded as he explained his absence.

"Just bare with me babe. I promise everything will be back to normal real soon." He assured me as he reached up to rub the side of my cheek. "I love you.."

"I love you too."

He smiled.

"By the way you look beautiful today.. and dont think I didnt notice your hair this morning." He said as he ran his fingers through the side of my hair. "I love it."

I smiled and everything that I thought Shawn did wrong, went out the window.

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