Chapter Three

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I pulled up to my house and got out to go inside.

"Lawd! What a day." I said to myself as I took off my shoes and hit play on my voicemail.

Three unread messages..

"Shay, its Jeana your sister, I need you to watch Tara this weekend. Call me back and let me know whats up."


"Yo Shay, I called you last night but you never answered. Whats up girl."


"Hello Ms. Rogers, its Nelson Construction. We would like you to come in tomorrow for a view of the ideas we have for your future business. Would you please give us a call when you have a chance. Thanks again for choosing us, Nelson and Company."

End of Voicemail.

I grabbed a water out the fridge and started to respond to the messages.

"Thanks for calling Nelson and Company for all your construction needs, how may we assist you?"

"Hello, this is Ms. Shaleese Rogers, I received your message about meeting with me."

"Oh yes, can you hold while I transfer you to Mr. Nelson he asked for you personally."


After a few beeps Nelson finally answered the call.

"Ms. Rogers?"

"This is she."

"I was trying to get in touch with you to set up a meeting about the layout and blueprints."

"Umh yes, I am sorry I missed your call but I'd be willing to meet with you and discuss business."

"Good, good how about lunch time tomorrow at my office."

"Okay, I'll put it on my schedule."

"Alright. You have a good day Ms.Rogers."

"You too." I responded as we hung up.

I dialed my sisters digits to get in contact with her. She picked up after three long rings and didnt even bother to greet me.

"Did you get my message?"

"Well, hello to you too Jeana and yes I got your message."

"So will you do it."

"If I don't have nothing planned."

"Look Shay, I really need you this weekend. Mamma say she got plans."

"Okay okay.. I'll do it."

"Thank you Shay. She'll be ready Friday evening."

"Alright, I'll be there around six."

"Okay." She said as she hung up.

"Its gone be a long weekend.." I said to myself as I sat down in the living room chair.

Tara was my sixteen year old niece. Now most people..and herself would say that she doesnt need somebody to watch her but when you have a sixteen year old as rebellious and grown as she is.. somebody has to watch her and lead her in the right direction.

*Knock Knock knock *

"Who is it?" I asked from where I was sitting.

"Open the door Shay."

I got up and walked to the door cracking it halfway.

"What do you want Rick?"

"You didn't get my message?"

"I did."

"Why you didn't call me back?"

"I was until you started banging on my door."

"Is you gone let me in or not."

"For what Rick.. I'm busy."

"Man you aint busy, c'mon Shay."

"You know how this works Rick, I call you, you don't call me."

"Oh its like that?"

"Nothing personal baby."

"You playin right?"

I shook my head.

"Look, I'm really busy so how about I call you when I'm free.."

He looked at me with a glare.

"I'll be back." He said as he backed up slowly.

"I know you will." I responded as I watched him before I closed the door.

Ricky was one of my ex, we were friends before we dated and shit didn't work out, after awhile of dating there was no connection.. although the sex was bomb ass hell so I kept him around.. I just call him when I want it.

I sat back down and flipped through some of my papers. This whole building shit was kicking my ass but I'm not gonna give up that easy.

Seven thirty displayed on the home screen of my phone as I relaxed in the Jacuzzi style tub. I sat there letting the hot water soothe my sore areas.

I finished up and got out, lotioning my body in some bath and body works aromas. I wrapped myself in a sheer lace robe and headed to bed.

By my actions one would think I had a man waiting in bed for me to sex him down with the quickness but no..sadly I was sleeping alone in my big ass king sized bed.

I crawled under the silky soft sheets, spreading out on the whole right side. Tomorrow was going to be very busy so I was kind of glad I had no one to occupy my time. There wouldn't be no Zzzs being caught tonight if I did. It had been so long since I've had some and with my busy schedule, things just didn't workout in my favor.

I cleared my mind of my sexual frustration and decided to get some sleep. Hopefully I would get lucky sooner or later.

Daylight woke me as the rays beamed through the window panes. I stretched out my limbs and looked over at the clock on the side table and realized I had overslept. It was 12:29pm and my meeting was at 1:00 with Nelson.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to take a shower and tend to my morning rituals. I rushed out trying to find something to wear. I threw on a nude skirt set with a blush over-sized trench coat and slipped on my pumps. I applied my makeup in the "no make-up, makeup" form and started on my hair. It was already 12:40 and I knew I wasn't going to have time to curl it so I went for the sleek Kim K look.

I grabbed my purse, the leather case with my papers, my keys and headed out the door to my car.

I drove to the building and searched for an available parking spot. When I did walk into the lobby it was 1:00 on the dot.

I walked up to the front desk and was greeted by the eager clerk.

"Good Afternoon, How may I assist you today?"

"Yes, I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Nelson."

"May I have your name?"

"Shaleese Rogers.."

She typed on the computer and looked up at me.

"I'll page him and let him know you're here. You can have a seat over there."

I nodded and went to sit on the leather lounge sectional in the center of the lobby.

I sat there for about three minutes looking through my papers preparing myself on what I planned to say, until Nelson decided to walk in.

"Ms. Rogers?"

I looked up into the face that called upon my name and sweet Jesus did this man take my breath away. I instantly forgot everything and every word I was about to say.

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