Chapter Twenty

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I walked through the grocery store picking up the things I needed for tonights dinner. I made my way to the meat section and searched around for the nearly perfect one. I saw a woman come up and started searching through the meat also.

"They havent put any good selections out today have they? I asked as I continued to look. " There isnt any on my end. How about yours?" I said as I looked up in her direction.

"Naw, not on my end either.."


She looked up.

"Hey Paula."

"How you been?"

"Ive been good how about you?"

"Im doing alright. I saw Tara a few days back with Shay..Its been so long since Ive seen you though."

"Yea. Ive been in the house lately.. you know trying to regroup."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, Ive been looking for a job and trying to get things on the right track for my daughter."

"Thats good to hear."

"You know Ive been thinking about going back to college.. I know its been years since I went.. I dont know if Shay told you or not but she's the reason why.."

"Shay? No she didnt tell me that. Everytime she mentioned you, she would just say how the two of you got into an argument but never the reason."

"Well she is. You know for you and Shay to be bestfriends, you dont know much about her past.. or maybe she just fabricated most of it." She said as she went back to looking through the meat.

I thought about what Jeana had said. I was kind of curious to find out what Shay didnt tell me or what she lied about.

"You know Jeana, I have a little time to waste, you want to go get some smoothies or something?"

"I dont have any extra money Paula, I just have enough to buy this food for us to eat tonight."

"Dont worry about it. Its on me.. including the groceries." I said as I smiled at her.

I finished shopping for everything I needed, remembering to pick up Shawn's formula. Jeana followed me to the register where I paid for our groceries and we walked out to our seperate cars.

We got in and she followed me to Brulé which was right up the street.

We chose our table outside and ordered two smoothies.

"I really appreciate you paying for my stuff back there."

"No problem.. but back there about Shay.. what do you mean?"

"Shay never told you about what happened in college?"She started.

"No." I responded.

I listened as Jeana began to tell me about what happened between her and Shay and how it made her dropout.

"So youre telling me, Shay went behind youre back and slept with your man."

"Exactly. Everytime I bring it up she always give the excuse of me not talking about him. When she saw him at the table with me that was enough proof that we were together but did that stop her from fucking him in the basement? Hell no." She said as she sipped on her smoothie.

"I never knew that Jeana."

"Its not the first time she's been with someone else's man." She began. "When we were in highschool, Shay had this friend named Deanna. She was always over our house, spending the night, basicly moved in you know. I would stand outside Shay's door listening to Deanna talk about how her boyfriend would do this and that with her. A few days passed and her visits became ever so often to not at all. I would ask Shay what happened between them but she would never tell, blaming it on her being a hater. A few weeks later I found out that Deanna caught Shay butt ass naked, bent over in the back of her boyfriend's car giving him head."

I was in total shock as I listened to Jeana. When I heard Jeana mention Shay's old friend Deanna, it caught me so off guard. Not only was Deanna my cousin but she was my first cousin. All those times I talked about her, Shay never mentioned none of that to me.. It was like I didnt know her at all.

"I cant believe youre telling me this right now."

"Im only telling you for your good Paula. Youre a good person and Id hate for my selfish ass sister to fuck you over. By the way hows Shawn?"

"He's doing good." I said confused on why she asked.

"Does he be around Shay?"

"No, he's been with his brother and father lately. I dont know if you know but hes in the hospital."

"Yea, I saw it in the paper. I hope he gets better." She said.

"I'll be sure to let him know you asked about him."

"Good. But do me a favor Paula, dont leave Shawn around Shay. I know you trust your husband but its not Shawn that I'm worried about.. its Shay. She doesnt give a damn."

I nodded as Jeana spoke.

"Thank you.. Jeana, eventhough this was a big ass pill to swallow.. Im glad you decided to tell me."

"I felt like you needed to know. Shay has fucked over enough people and their relationships. Like Trina said, she'd probably fuck yo daddy if yo mammy wasnt player hatin."

I shook my head.

"Thank you again Paula for the groceries. If you need me, here is my number." She said as she wrote it down on a napkin.

"Youre welcome."

Jeana got up from the table to head to her car.

"Jeana." I called after her.


"You know.. I got an opening at my office if you want it. Its not much but if you want it.. its yours." I said to her.

She smiled at me.

"Thank you Paula. You dont know how much that means to me. Youve really made my day." She said as she gave me a warm hug. I accepted.

"It takes a lot of balls to rat out your own blood."

"Sometimes, it feels like we're not even related." She said as she looked at me.

"Well I should let you go. I got to get home to make dinner and I know Tara is wondering where you are."

"More like my boyfriend with his car." She said as she laughed.

I laughed with her.

"Call me when you need me Jeana.. and dont forget about that opening. I want to see you in my office tommorrow morning." I said as I patted her back.

"See you later Paula." She said as She got into her car.

"See you later." I responded as I watched her back out before I headed to my car.

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