Chapter Nineteen

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I zipped up my pants as I walked out of Shay's house. Aint no telling what would happen with this thing Shay and I had going on. As long as this stayed between us, I was fine.

I got into my car and pulled out of the driveway. My phone began to ring and I noticed it was Paula. I answered her call.

"Whats up baby?" I said aloud so she could hear me.

"Where are you?" I heard her ask through the speakers of the car.

"I just left the meeting." I responded as I drove through the streets.

"How did it go?"

"Everything is looking good. Her lawyer looked over the contract and we worked out the issues. The next time we meet we'll be discussing the design of our company."

"Ahh thats great! So what kind of company is it? Like a training or gym?"

"I actually mentioned that thanks to you. So its going to be both."

"Im so happy for you baby!"

"Thank you sweetcakes. So what you up too?"

"I was just about to go to the store and get something to cook. You want anything while Im out?"

"Yea, could you pick up some more of my formula, Im running out."



"No problem."

"I'm gonna stop by the hospital and Greg's then I'll be home."

"Alright. Let me know how he's doing and tell Greg I said Hello."

"I will. Talk to later baby."


We hung up.

I pulled up to the hospital, parking the car and getting out. I walked in and headed to the elevator where I pressed the third floor. The doors slid open and I headed to my father's room.

When I walked in my mother was standing by his bedside.

"Hey mom." I greeted as I walked up and gave her a warm hug.

"Hey Shawn."

"Hows he doing?" I asked as I looked upon his face.

"Hes getting better. He's breathing on his own again. Doctor said hes a strong soilder. If he keeps recovering like hes doing, he'll be in theropy in no time."

"Thats good news mama."

"Yeah, Im ready to take my big sugar bear home."

I laughed.

"How is Paula doing?"

"She's doing good."

"You remember what I told you right?"

"You tell me a lot of things woman."

"Boy dont play with me."

"Refresh my memory ma."

"You sit there and act crazy if you want to. Have you went and seen Paula today?"

"I went home last night ma, I didnt stay with Greg."

"You need to spend more time with your wife Shawn."

"I do spend time with my wife."

"Not enough. If your father could talk right now, and he knew that Paula came to me worried, he'd have your head boy."

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