Chapter Twenty Two

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The aroma of the food filled the room as I was halfway down cooking. Shawn was on his way home but I knew Id be done by the time he arrived.

I set out two glasses and poured some wine in each one. As I went back to cooking, I couldnt help but think about the conversation that Jeana and I had earlier. I wouldve never known that Shay was hiding so much from me. Its going to be hard for me to believe anything that she says from now on. Although half of me was torn and didnt want to believe it. What if Jeana was just saying all those things to break up our friendship, just to get revenge on Shay.. I thought to myself.. But she sounded so believeable..

Id heard people say this and that about Shay when we were in school but I just thought it was rumors. Hell I had a couple rumors going around about me but they were only lies made up by haten ass hoes and guys who I never gave a chance. So I thought that was why her name stayed in peoples mouth. Dont get me wrong, I listened to what people said but Im the type of person to give people a chance and not go off of other peoples experience. I gave her a chance to prove them wrong.. and in my eyes she did.

I thought about all those times I talked to Deanna and Shays name would come up in our conversations, she never said anything about what happened between them. Deanna was married now and had moved upstate, so maybe thats why she never spoke on it. Maybe she just wanted to leave the past exactly where its at.

"Yo babe, Im home!" Shawn yelled from the front door, snapping me from my thoughts.

I turned the stove off, taking the pots off the eyes.

"It smells good in here." He said as he came into the kitchen and sat down.

I smiled as I handed him his plate and sat down in front of him, saying grace and beginning to eat.

"How's James doing?" I asked.

"He's doing good. Doc said he's recovering pretty fast."

"Thats good to hear. I ran into Jeana today and she asked about him."


"Yeah, Shay's sister." I responded.

"Oh oh okay. How's she doing."

"She's trying to get back on her feet. She's realizing that she needs to do better for not only herself but her daughter too."

"Thats good. Im all for giving the kids an example to follow." He said as he ate.

"You know..She asked about you today too.."


"Yeah, she just wanted to know how you were doing."

"Umh.. Where did you two see eachother?"

"At the store. I paid for our groceries and we went and had a few smoothies to catch up."

"Look at you just spreading your love to everybody."

"It was the least I could do. She was telling me about how she was looking for a job and I invited her to come work for me."

"You got an opening?"

"No but I can find one for her. She's trying Shawn and thats all that matters to me. Slow progress is better than none at all." I preached.

He shook his head as he smiled.

"Youre so good to people P. It just dont make no sense. People like you are rare.. thats one of the main reasons I love you woman. You always try and help someone when they really need it."

I smiled as he spoke to me.

"When God blesses me, I just have to be a blessing someone else. Words from my mama." I said as we finished eating.

Shawn decided to wash and clean up the kitchen after we we were done. I went to the back and decided to take a hot shower. When I got out, Shawn was already done cleaning. I  walked out with a towel wrapped around me and Shawn went to take his shower. I dressed in one of his big shirts and lotioned down, not forgetting to wrap my hair up tight. By the time Shawn got out and dressed I was already folding the covers back and we hopped in the bed at the same time.

I snuggled up to Shawn, interlacing my legs with his up under the sheets.

"I got something to tell you P.." he said as I layed on his chest.

"What is it?" I asked as I felt his hand find a place on my back.

He was quiet.


"I found a place.. across town."

I sat up in the bed as I looked at him.


"Yeah, its not a penthouse now."

"Okay so what is it?"

"Its a two story home. I figured its time for us to get a bigger place like you said."

I laid my head back down on his chest.

"Youre going to have to send me the address tomorrow so I can do some research on it. Im not saying you cant pick out a house but we need to be extra sure its okay.."

"I know, thats your expertise."

"Youre right."

"I was going to wait until after New Years to tell you but I just couldnt wait."

"Im glad you did tell me.. You know Shawn.. I'm really looking forward to this new year with you. We'll be going on five years of marraige and I was thinking about expanding our family."

"Yeah.. I was thinking the same thing.. maybe a dog or two.."

I gave him a smirk as I leaned up again looking him in his face.

"A dog Shawn?"


"I aint talking about pets, Im taking about kids Shawn!"


"Yeah. Wouldnt it be nice to have a little jr running around here."

"You know nothing would make me happier baby.."

"It doesnt have to happen soon. I just want you to know that Im looking forward to it. I would pefer to plan it but if it just happens then it happens, you know." I said as I found my comfort spot back on his chest.

"I just want us to be ready.. physically, mentally, financially and  emotionally.." I finished as I listened to the sound of his heartbeat.

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