Chapter Seventeen

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I wrapped and tied my hair as I got ready for bed. I walked around the house checking the doors, closing the curtains and turning out the lights. I heard Shawn's keys jingling in the door as he walked in and locked the door.

"What you doing still up?" He asked as he switched the light on.

"I was just getting ready to turn in."

"Oh." He responded as he took off his shoes, shirt and shorts, heading to the laundry room.

I scratched my head as he returned.

"What..what was all of that?"

"Oh, I went for a jog to clear my mind after I left with Greg.. I couldnt stand the smell."

I looked at him with a blank stare.

I walked back into the bedroom and Shawn followed behind me but went into the master bathroom.

I heard the shower running as I laid in the bed. My back faced Shawn as he finished putting on his underwear and slid into bed beside me.

The next morning I woke up very late. Shawn was already up and dressed. I got up and walked into the living room where he was. He sat on the couch with his head leaned back and his eyes were closed.

I walked back into the bedroom to take a shower and do the usual morning routine. When I got out I put on a pair of joggers and a tank. When I walked back into the living room, Shawn was still in that same position.

"You didnt fix breakfast?" I asked.

"Naw." He said without opening his eyes.

"Whats up with you?" I asked walking around the couch to where he was.

"Nothing." He said opening his eyes and leaning up.

"What is it Shawn?"

"Its nothing. Im just thinking." He repeated.

"It is something.You do know you can tell me anything.."

"Yes I do.. but its nothing babe." He said as he layed a hand on my thigh.

"I cant tell, You sitting up here thinking like a guilty man." I started. "You stripped damn near naked last night when you came in. I mean if you robbed a bank or shot a man down, I would think its required that I should know."

He chuckled lightly..

"Aint nobody robbed or shot nobody woman. That aint how I roll."

"Really cause I find it sexy when a man takes what he wants." I said as I laid my leg across his lap.

He squeezed my leg from the calf down to my feet.

"I aint robbed nothing, I aint killed nobody and I damn sure aint on the run. As for taking what I want.. I already have what I need."

I looked at him as he caressed my foot.

"What?" He asked as I looked on.

I shook my head.

"You want to go get something to eat or you just gone stare at me?" He asked returning my gaze.

After Shawn and I went out to get breakfast, I came back home alone. Shawn had got a call from Porsha's manager during our outing and he had to meet with her.. something about it being urgent.

I came into the house, kicked off my shoes and decided to call Greg. His phone rung three times before he picked up.


"Hey Greg." I greeted.

"Whats up sis? What you up too?"

"Nothing much I was calling to ask you about Shawn."

"What about?"

" I know Catherine said hes been hanging around you and I was wondering if hes been acting strange lately."

"No. Hes been down about pops but I mean we both have but besides him telling me how bad he feels about leaving you alone and stressing over everything on his plate.. I wouldnt classify that as strange."


"What made you ask that?"

"Well Greg, I dont want you to think I'm going behind your brother's back but if youre woman came home and stripped naked time they entered the house, that wouldnt cause you to think a certain way?"

"It would.. Ima talk to him and see whats up."

"Alright. But Greg could you not mention this little talk we had."

"What talk?"

I smiled eventhough he couldnt see it.

"Exactly. Talk to you later Greg."

"Aight P."

We hung up.

I sat on the couch thinking.

Maybe I'm just overthinking or reacting to a situation that doesnt need a reaction. Shawn is good to me.. damn good.. but I just feel like he's not telling me his whole truth. Shawn knows I love him and if he need to talk, he knows I'd listen without judgement. We've been through hell and high waters together and another little obstacle wouldnt hurt.

I left my thoughts and decided to call Shay. She answered on the first ring.

"Whats up mama?"

"Nothing much, What you up too?"

"Sitting around the house."

"Umh.. Hows the relationship going?"

"I told you, its not official yet but its going good, he might be leaving to go upstate for awhile though."

"What for?"

"Clients and buildings. You know the usual things contractors do. Whats up with you and Shawn?"

"Well thats actually what I called you about."

"You shouldve said that from the beginning. Whats going on?"

"I dont know if its just me overthinking but I think somethings up."

"Like what, lay it on me honey."

"Well, like last night.. he came in super late and stripped damn near naked and jumped in the shower. Said something about him going out for a jog after being with Greg."

"Okay.." She said indicating for me to keep going.

"So I called Greg and asked him. I was like has Shawn been acting strange around you lately?"

"What did he say?"

"He said no. Besides Shawn saying he hated leaving me alone and stressing over everything thats going on.. nothing strange has happened. You know I dont want to seem harsh but I could barely believe Greg. Eventhough he confirmed that he stayed over one night.. I feel like thats only half the truth.."

"Has Greg ever lied to you before?"

"Not during my four years of marraige but back when Shawn and I started dating.. yeah to cover up for Shawn."

"I would say once a liar, always a liar but I think youre just reacting out of seperation. The man does have a lot on his plate."

"I get what youre saying but lately thats all I been hearing. That same excuse for everything."

She laughed lightly.

"Calm down Paula. Just give it some time. You know Shawn would tell you, whatever he felt like you needed to know."

I thought on what she said.

"Youre right Shay. I need to just calm down. Sometimes its hard to do. You know how hard I love and how many times Ive been played. Im just hopeing that this feeling will pass."

"You know I know.. but Im telling you Paula, Shawn loves you and wouldnt do anything to jeperdize your marraige."

"Thanks girl. You know I needed that."

"No problem. You know I got your back."

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