Chapter 5: Once Again

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Note: I edited and rewrote the previous chapters so if you want, go check them out. They might have some extra stuff, but honestly I can't remember.


Chapter 5: Once Again


I laughed loudly as I kept talking to Drake, one customer that came almost every day I was here and had a bad habit of flirting with me. He had tattoos and piercings that would scare the crap out of my dad, but he was good to me and entertained me on my dreary nights working at the diner. His unkempt black hair and brown eyes made him more than slightly attractive, and he was almost 20, but I wasn’t interested in Drake in that way.

“So Drake, what can I get for you today?” I say as I tap my pen on the pad, trying not to laugh as he put on his “thoughtful” face fixing one hand to scratch at his chin, looking at the menu, pretending he wasn’t going to get the same thing he got every single time: double bacon cheeseburger, medium rare, with extra curly fries and no lettuce.

“Can I get myself a Melanie Weston with a side of no clothes?” he asks me in a nonchalant voice with a smirk that makes me slap his head with my pad.

But I play it cool as I reply, “Sorry Drake, we don’t have that. That’s a priceless item we aren’t able to sell,” I say laughing as he frowns and looks back down at the menu.

“Well damn,” he says, “then I guess I will take a double bacon cheeseburger, medium rare with extra curly fries and no lettuce.” As if he wasn’t going to get that in the first place. That asshole.

I collected his menu and flicked his head about to leave him and submit his order when he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him so my face was less than a foot from his.

“Who’s that one over there at the counter?” he asks flicking his head slightly that way. I turn my head to see none other than Parker Bailey, glaring at Drake and I. When I catch his eye he turns around and walks to another table and starts taking their order.

I turn my head back to look at Drake. “Parker,” I say with the least amount of emotion possible and add in a shrug for good measure. Drake can’t know.

“He was downright glaring at me for a good five minutes.”

“I don’t know anything about that, Drake. I only met him for the first time today,” A white lie. I mean, I haven’t seen him for over 2 years before today.

“That glare he was giving me makes it seem different,” he lets go of my wrist and raises his eyebrows at me.

“Ok. I don’t know Drake. Maybe he’s just weird,” I say before I can think and I turn around to see Parker standing right in front of me with an expression on his face that shows anger and something scary that makes me want to whimper.

He walks away after looking at me with those hate filled eyes one more time and my chest feels crushed. Drake takes the whole thing in and just throws his arms behind his head and kicks his feet up onto the chair unoccupied in front of him. He smiles totally amused with the situation and I flip my middle finger at him before heading towards the kitchen and giving the order to one of the cooks.  I find Amy in the back looking through the different tomatoes, trying to find the best ones to cut for meals. Amy has always had an obsession with those things.

“Um, Amy? Can I talk to you about something?”

“Melanie, if it has anything to do with Parker, the answer is most likely no,” she says quite bluntly as she observes a particularly large beefsteak tomato.

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