Two Broken Souls

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  Y/N's Pov.

I found myself unable to breathe when I heard those words. I knew that Sonic couldn't stay here forever, but to leave now... it just felt too soon. Sonic didn't say anything else after that, he just waited for me to respond.
"Why?" I asked.
"Tails said that if we don't leave by tomorrow, we won't be able to go back ever again. I tried to convince Tails if there was any other way, I really did... but had no result. The only good part about this is that Eggman will come back with us too, so that your world is no longer in danger."
"Oh..." I said. The silence remained for some time before Sonic broke it.
"I won't blame you if you're angry."
"I- I'm not.!" I replied, which was the truth. I wasn't mad, just heartbroken.
"I know that you're just saying that to not make me feel bad about this."
"But I'm not, really!" I repeated. Sonic didn't respond back. I knew that I had to prove it to him, so I kissed him. Sonic's eyes widened with shock for a second before kissing me back. It was the most passionate kiss that we ever had. I mean, how could it not be? We had to say goodbye to each other for who knows how long, so we both put all our emotions into this one. We didn't pull away until Sonic's communicator went off. Tails was calling him.
"Hi Tails..." Sonic said, sadness in his voice.
"Hello Sonic. Did you- Oh!" Tails stopped himself when he saw me, "I suppose that you already did?"
"Yeah..." Sonic sighed, glancing at me before looking back towards Tails.
"Is she... well... okay with this?"
"Ask her yourself." Sonic responded, handing me his communicator.
"Hi Tails." I said when I got the communicator.
"Hi Y/N." Tails started, "Look, we know that you're upset about this, but-"
"I understand." I cut him off.
"Wait what?"
"I knew that you guys have to go back at some point, I was just sort of surprised that it was so soon. But I understand that you all probably miss your home and need to return."
"You sure that you'll be okay?" Tails asked, sorrow heard in his voice.
"Um... yeah." I replied, "I'll be just fine."
"If you say so. You can come see us off tomorrow if you want."
"Sure, I'll be there." I nodded.
"Alright... bye then." Tails hung up. I handed Sonic back his communicator, but he shook his head.
"You should hang on to it. Maybe Tails will find a way for us to communicate sometime."
"I..." I sighed, "Thanks Sonic." I hugged him, and he hugged me back.
"But," Sonic started, "Until then, I wish to spend the rest of my time with you."
"Me too." I nodded. Sonic then picked me up and sped off somewhere.
The rest of the day we spent together, going back to all the places we've visited before. By sunset, Sonic dropped me off at my house, gave me a quick kiss and ran off without saying goodbye. I didn't blame him, he must be very sad about this too. Now that I think about it, when Sonic ran off, I thought that I saw him... crying.
Let me just say right now that I will be continuing the story every day (hopefully), so don't ya'll get worried when I leave ya'll with a cliffhanger. Remember, I have a life outside this story too. I do my best to update whenever I can. Just reminding ya'll that. ^_^ Hope you enjoy this... man, writing nothing but sad chappies for days really makes me question my own life's happiness. XD Good news, though! Either for the next chappie or the one after that, I will be back to writing happy stuff since I already planned this out. YAY! :D  

Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader: Two Hearts Become One (Sequel to *My Brave Hero*)Where stories live. Discover now