The Mobian Experiment

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  Y/N's Pov.

I felt so dizzy, and my head was spinning like a merry-go-round. When I came back to my senses, I tried to remember what happened. I was saying goodbye to the gang, and then... Eggman grabbed me and pulled me through the portal! I gasped, quickly standing up before falling back down. My whole body felt so numb. I couldn't feel my legs. I looked around and noticed that I was in a prison cell. I used one of the bars to help myself stand up and looked outside. I was in a room with lots of tubes and sciency-equipment. The door, suddenly, opened and I saw Eggman, Shadow, and Rouge come in. My expression suddenly became angry.
"Oh, looks like our prisoner's awake!" Eggman said, giddily.
"Let me out of here, Egghead!" I used Sonic's name for Eggman.
"Maybe she's been spending so much time with Sonic that he rubbed of on her." Rouge spoke.
"Yeah... maybe." Shadow mumbled. I growled at him, baring my teeth, yet he wasn't threatened at all.
"Now, now Y/N. No need to bite. It's not right for hedgehogs to do."
"Huh? What do you mean? I'm not a hedgehog." I asked him, confused.
"So you still don't know? Have a look at yourself, won't you?" Eggman pressed a button which pulled up a mirror in front of me. I gasped at what I saw. I was... a hedgehog?! I looked down at my hands to see if it was true, which it was. My hands were covered in F/C (fur color) fur, so was the rest of my body. I was still wearing my normal clothes, only I was several feet shorter. I put my hands on my head and felt furry ears. I looked behind me and saw a tiny (F/C) tail. I felt like I was going to scream, but I whether in fear, shock, or both.
"Surprising isn't it? Hope you enjoy this new look I gave you."
"WHAT?! You turned me into a hedgehog?!" I exclaimed.
"Why, of course! Who else could think of such a genius plan?" I gave him my 'are you serious?' face, Rouge facepalmed, and Shadow just rolled his eyes at Eggman's comment.
"Aren't you two suppose to be on my side?" Eggman pointed at Shadow and Rouge, and they just shrugged, "Also, note: you may be feeling some side effects to the drug I gave you. Anyways, you two guard our prisoner and let me know if that blue rodent comes back." Shadow and Rouge nodded.
I feel back down on my knees, tired. I couldn't do anything but wait to be rescued. I just hoped that my friends would still know who I am. Sonic, please save me soon...
YEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! Y/N BECOMES A FURRY!! BEST... FREAKING... CHAPTER... EVA!!! XD (too much?) Let's be real here, who saw this coming? ... Besides me of course. X3 Hope you like it! :D  

Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader: Two Hearts Become One (Sequel to *My Brave Hero*)Where stories live. Discover now