Chapter 15

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Jenny's POV
Getting ready for the quest

I grabbed my bag and stuffed in two water bottles, a shirt, a pair of pants, two pairs of socks, and I slipped on my sneakers after I got dressed. Going to grab a weapon I realized OH CRAP! I totally had forgotten to pick out a weapon because I was in the infirmary the first two weeks I was here. Maybe that's why.

I ran out of my cabin screaming "Chiron! Chiron" at the top of my lungs, getting strange looks from the campers, satyrs, and nymphs, oh well.

Running in to the Big House, I tripped over the doorstep, getting laughed at by Mr. D. I brushed myself off, pretending it had never happened.

"Mr. D, where's Chiron?" I asked, surveying the room.

"He's using the Big Centaur's room. Is there anything you need help with, not with the guarantee I'm going to help you, of course."

"I just need to pick out a weapon since I was in the infirmary the first two weeks I was here." I explained. He nodded and looked thoughtfully out the open door.

"Dum dum dum dum dum" he hummed. "Will! Yes you, Solace! Come here!" He said, making the 'come' gestures with his hands. "Show Jenny to the weapons shed. She needs to pick out her weapon." He told Will. He nodded.

"C'mon, Jenny. Right this way."
When we got the weapons shed, I got sorta nervous. I didn't know what weapon to pick, or what would happen. Opening the door, my telekinesis senses starting tingling. (my spidey senses are tingling🕷) The weapons started shaking.

"Woah, chill!" Will said. I tried calming down. What was I doing here? I didn't belong in the battlefield. I didn't belong at Camp Half Blood. I didn't belong anywhere.

It felt like an earthquake was racing through my veins. Will stepped back nervously. I was scaring someone. I didn't mean to. I didn't want to scare anyone.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said, grabbing a random sword and running out.

A World Without You Isn't One For Me (A PJO/HOO fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now