The Problem with Remembering

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Bill felt it the moment he left the library.

A burst of consciousness. A sudden expansion of self.

For a moment Bill froze, the unexpected change sending a shock of fear through him.

It had been a long time since he'd had his old abilities, after all.

But the shock faded almost as quickly as it appeared, as he settled back into his omnipotent abilities like a child taking to a bike again.

Within moments, he was soaring on the feeling.

He'd missed this.

He'd really missed this.

But it wasn't nearly as much as before. He felt the limits of his powers like a brick wall built up around the town – keeping his mind and his knowledge trapped within Gravity falls. It was frustrating- this little taste of the great being he had once been.

Infuriating. He needed more. He needed it all.

And then Bill felt it. A flickering of pain. Of fear.

A face flashed through his mind, contorted and screaming.


He'd remembered something.

Of course he had, that was the only explanation for the sudden return of Bill's abilities

And the residual effects were driving Dipper insane.

Slamming the door to his car, Bill sped towards the distant wavering flicker of Dipper's mind, trying to calm the other boy's screaming thoughts.

He didn't know why he was doing this.

He didn't care.

All Bill knew was that the idea of Dipper in pain was too much for him to handle. He had to help the brown haired teen – somehow.

Pulling over to the side of the road, Bill ran through the darkened trees. Twilight had set in, and long shadows crisscrossed the earth in jagged lines, breaking the purple haze of the waking night. It took him awhile before he caught sight of the old church building, and the shadowed form lying in the dirt beside it.

"Damn it Pine Tree." Bill hissed, kneeling down beside the boy's body and lifting Dipper into his arms. "You really just can't leave well enough alone, can you?"

What was Bill saying? Wasn't this what he wanted?

Wasn't this what he'd waited four years for?

Gazing down at the boy's pallid face, Bill felt his heart skip a beat. He could feel Dipper's pain, feel his fear – and for the first time in the entirety of his existence Bill empathized.

For the first time, Bill knew what it felt like.

And it terrified him.

"Come on, let's get you home."

Lifting Dipper's limp body, Bill made the long trip back to his car, his mind racing.

If such a small memory caused this much damage, what would happen if the seal came completely undone?

Bill preferred not to think on that too long – because if he did, at this rate, he wasn't going to like the answer.


Dipper awoke with a start to the scent of his Grunkle's pancakes. He glanced around wildly, taking in the familiar visage of he and Mabel's old attic room: the triangle shaped window which was currently filtering in sunlight from outside, the desk beneath it which was cluttered with Dipper's books and other miscellaneous items, and finally the empty bed directly across from his own.

He was home.

The only question was how.

Rubbing the grogginess from his eyes, Dipper took a quick shower before heading into the kitchen to grab breakfast. After he'd gathered a plate full of pancakes and a cup of coffee, Stan lowered his newspaper, meeting Dipper's gaze.

"Look kid, about last night..."

"I meant to ask you about that. How did I get home?" Dipper asked. He wondered if he'd somehow managed to walk back to the shack in a daze, or if he'd called his Grunkle to pick him up.

"Cipher stopped by. Said he saw you wandering along the side of the road, and that you passed out in his car. Look kid, you know me. I'm pretty laid back with most things. Just, don't get yourself hurt okay?" Stan stared his nephew down, making Dipper shiver anxiously.

"Grunkle Stan, that, that's not it at all." The brown haired boy stuttered. "I just found this old abandoned church and I got this really bad headache and then I guess I must have wandered out to the road while I was searching for help." Dipper anxiously rubbed the back of his neck.

"I honestly don't even remember most of what happened."

His Uncle said nothing, staring at Dipper for some time before sighing and shaking his head.

"Kid. I think you put this whole 'finding yourself' adventure to an end. Your sister wanted me to just sit back and let you do whatever you wanted, but after this I don't think I can. Not when your safety is on the line. Mabel would kill me."

Dipper snorted. Mabel was just about the only person in the whole world who actually intimidated his Uncle Stan.

"So please. For my sake and yours, try to stay out of the woods – okay? I just don't want something like this to happen again, because I'm worried next time you won't be so lucky to have someone come help you."

"Yeah..." Dipper trailed. He was disappointed, but he could see where Stan was coming from.

Honestly, he was pretty shaken up about the whole scenario. But Dipper had never been one to sit still for long. He wanted answers. Answers about last night, answers about yesterday and most of all, answers about that summer four years ago.

And it seemed that the common figure between all of it was none other than that obnoxious and somewhat strange Bill Cipher.

Plus, Dipper kind of owed the guy a thank you.

"Well then, is it okay if I head to town?" Dipper asked as he stuffed the last of his food into his mouth.

"Slow down there. And sure, whatever as long as it keeps you out of trouble. But be back by three, I need your help in the shop. You owe me for letting you stay here on such short notice." Stan grumbeled.

"Thanks, Grunkle Stan!" Dipper put his dishes away and proceeded to rush towards Greasy's diner.


Short Chapter to make up for the ridiculous length of the last one!

I have come up with a BillDip playlist for those of you who are interested... it suites this story perfectly! Plus, I just enjoy having something to listen to when I read/write, so I thought I'd share with you!


For Bill,

Emperor's New Clothes- Panic! At the Disco (This is Bill's theme song. Seriously. It suites the Dorito dork perfectly.)

Heavy Dirty Soul- Twenty-one Pilots

The Haunted- Set it Off

My Demons- Starset

Everybody Wants to Rule the World-Lorde


For Dipper,

This is Gospel-Panic! At the Disco(Notice a pattern?)

Firewall- Les Friction

It Has Begun - Starset

Love Song Requiem- Trading Yesterday

Like the Dawn- The Oh Hello's

Getting Out Alive-Three Doors Down

Words As Weapons- Birdy

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