Not A Date

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Apparently the next town over was named Mayville, which for Oregon, wasn't an at all unusual name. But it sounded too similar to Mabel, so every time Bill said the name Dipper couldn't help but think of his sister.

However, unlike his sister, Mayville was a perfectly normal city. Not quite a metropolis, Mayville reminded Dipper of his hometown – made up mostly of cute little houses with a sort of central business area at the center.

That's where Bill and Dipper ended up.

"I thought you were supposed to be helping me remember my past." Dipper groaned as they walked down the bustling Avenue. Bill beamed, spinning and walking backwards while still expertly weaving through the sea of people. It was kind of creepy – like he could actually see behind him.

Yet another thing Dipper couldn't comprehend about Bill Cipher.

"I did my share." Bill reached out, tapping on the brim of Dipper's ball cap. "Besides, we can save history hunting for another day. Gives me an excuse to hang out with you." Bill laughed. "Besides, today is for me, remember? So we will be doing what I want. And I want ice cream!" He shouted, throwing his arms around Dipper. The brown haired boy sighed again. It seemed like sighing was the only thing he'd been doing since he'd left the shack this morning.

"Okay, okay. Just get off. People are staring." He groaned, batting Bill away. The blonde haired man pouted.

"Don't be like that. They're just staring because you are so cute." Bill responded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Or because you're so creepy." Dipper retorted. They turned into a little shop called Scoops, and were immediately greeted by a roaring crowed and the scent of baking waffle cones.

"Fantastic." Bill cheered. Dipper felt his stomach growl.

Okay, maybe ice cream was a good idea.

"Pine tree, pine tree, what's your favorite flavor? I'll see if they have it." Bill said, nudging Dipper's arm.

"Rocky Road." He responded instantly. Bill blanched.

"How boring." The blonde haired man responded. Dipper glared.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with the classics."

"Yeah, yeah. I don't see rocky road though." Bill stated, getting onto tip toe and peering over the crowed.

"Hmm, then how about just plain chocolate?" Dipper asked.

"Pine Tree!" Bill furrowed his brows, giving Dipper a look.


"Can't you be more creative?"

Dipper thought of his sister and her strange tastes.

And all the times he'd been forced to try something that probably would have killed him.

"No." Dipper responded. "I'll just stick with what I know."

Bill frowned, shaking his head.

"No way. Tell you what, I'll buy your ice cream if you let me pick out a flavor for you." His blue eyes flashed mischievously.

Dipper had a bad feeling about this. But he wasn't about to turn down free ice-cream.

"Fine." He responded, earning a victorious smile from Bill.

Moments later they were making their way outside, Bill handing Dipper a cone topped with a yellow orb of ice-cream.

"Try it!" Bill insisted. Dipper eyed the cone haphazardly.

Lullaby For Another Day [BillDip]Where stories live. Discover now