Prologue: The End of The World

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The end of the world.

Dipper had lost his sister. He'd lost his Uncle.

And he was the only one left who could set things right.

"Grunkle Ford, if the Inter-Dimensional rift is released, is there anything we can do?"

"There is one other thing – but it must be our last option, if all others have failed."

Gazing up at the rainbow hued sky, Dipper felt the strength of his resolution burn brightly within his chest.

"I'll save you, Mabel." He murmured at the glowing orb bareing the emblem of a shooting star and bound by chains. Somewhere inside there his sister was confused and frightened. Somewhere inside there she was waiting for him.

"A spell, a powerful spell. One that will fix almost everything."

Dipper gave a final glance back at the mystery shack, at his home, swallowing the fear that threatened to choke him. Then, pulling his hat down, he turned and walked into the forest, where no one would be able to prevent him from doing what he had to.

"A sort of dimensional reset button, if you will."

One he felt he was a safe distance from civilization, Dipper set to work on setting a number of candles in a circle, lighting them all and drawing a large triangle between them before taking a seat in the middle. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Dipper recited the chant Grunkle Ford had taught him at that time. Within moments there was a flash of bright light, and a familiar laugh wrung out through the silence.

"Didn't expect to see you again so soon, Pine Tree," The triangle stated, appearing in front of Dipper.

"Really? Or is it that you didn't expect to see me alive?" Dipper scoffed, glaring. Bill shrugged.

"Point taken. So what's up, pine Tree? Here to make a deal for sweet little Shooting Star up there?" Bill gestured towards the bubble. Dipper smiled bitterly at the demon.

"I bet that's exactly what you want, isn't it?" The boy responded. Bill didn't responded, simply eyeing his brown haired companion.

"Maybe, Pine tree. Maybe that's what I wanted all along." The triangle said, though there was a certain sadness to his tone. "Now then, how about we get down to business?" Bill stuck out his hand, which immediately alit with a brilliant sapphire blaze. Dipper remained completely still, simply gazing into the triangle's eye.

"Using Bill's own power against him..."

"Business, huh?" Dipper asked, looking down at his hands, which were currently clenched into fists. Could he really do this? Did he really have the courage?

He thought of the time he had spent here, this short and all-too-fleeting summer. He thought of all his knew friends: of Wendy and Soos. He thought of his family: Grunkle Stan, Grunkle Ford, Mabel...

Clenching his teeth, Dipper reached up to take the demon's hand.

" making a deal that will seal away that rift for good."

"emit teser."Dipper spoke just as the blue flames engulfed his hand. The triangle's single eye widened in realization.

"How did you...?" The demon started, but Dipper cut him off.

"emit teser.yromem tseilrae, yromem ot."

Bill suddenly began to grow, his eye flashing blood red. The still air immediately began to lash out with hurricane level winds, piercing at Dipper's skin like hundreds of little needles.

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