Trust No One

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That was the one thing Bill could never really understand as a demon.

But after the morning he'd had, Bill felt more than educated on the subject. Sitting beside the brunette's hospital bed, Bill gazed at the sleeping boy, who'd been given anesthetics to help him calm down. His face - which hours before had been contorted in screams - was now serene.

Dipper had recalled another memory. And just like before, the torrent of pain that followed had drawn Bill like a moth to a flame. He could feel it – Dipper's suffering. Every agonizing second of it.

Reaching out, Bill took Dipper's hand in his. It was warm. Sturdy. His palm was rough with callouses unlike Bill's own which were still soft as a child's.

Because Bill would never change. Even this form, which he had created, wasn't completely human. He could never age, never die. His body was like a doll, a puppet being pulled by the strings of a greater force.

But Dipper, he was fully human. His body wasn't like Bill's. He was fragile, delicate. Every decision he made, every step he took put him into danger. And every year he would grow older and eventually his body would stop functioning all together.


Even now Bill didn't quite understand it. He felt sick. He wanted to trade places with Dipper. He would give anything to help the boy – even his own life. Which is strange, because he should've been happy. He'd regained more of his power after all. And at the rate Dipper was going it wouldn't be long before everything went back to the way it was on that summer day four years ago.

Weirdmaggedon. The end of the world as mankind new it. The conclusion to all of Bill's hard work and planning. Everything the dream demon had ever wanted.

Dipper winced, stirring slightly and letting out a slight moan. Bill froze, feeling a sensation like a thousand needles pricking his skin.

Was Dipper in pain? Was there anything Bill could do?

The boy immediately went back to sleeping, and Bill released a long sigh.

"Pine Tree..." Bill murmured, leaning forward and kissing Dipper's forehead softly.

"Sorry about this, kid. I promise, I won't make it a habit." The blonde smiled, sitting back in his seat and giving Dipper's hand a squeeze.

Immediately, Bill found himself surrounded by a grey hued forest. His body hummed with energy, and his skin let off a faint glow. He felt light as air, and with every step his body seemed to float slightly off the ground before reconnecting with the earth.

"Wow, it feels weird being back." He commented, clenching and unclenching his hands. The mindscape. Dipper's mindscape to be more specific.

"So this is what the inside of your head looks like. Guess I shouldn't have expected anything different." Bill hummed, walking through the monochrome wilderness. He had to find the place where the memories of that summer were locked away and reseal the holes that had formed as Dipper had begun to remember. It shouldn't be hard to find – an entire three months worth of memories all shoved into one space was bound to be noticeable.

Bill hummed softly as he walked, glancing around at the grey trees – each of which held one of Dipper's memories which flashed across the surface like a mini TV screen. Most of them were of the twins together – Dipper and Mabel when they were eight dressed up in zombie costumes for Halloween, or Dipper and Mabel at the beach. But Bill was more interested in the ones of Dipper alone.

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