The Contradictions in Life

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Bill barely made it home before he completely and utterly broke down.

He felt like an idiot. Like he was being torn in a million directions at one.

He wanted his powers back.

But he wanted to keep Dipper safe.

He wanted to rule the world.

But he wanted to make Dipper happy.

He wanted Dipper.

But in the end, Bill was the greatest danger to the boy's safety.

Mabel was right. It was better for Bill to stay away. The demon didn't even fully understand his own emotions.

Like why he felt so comfortable around the brunette even though they had known each other for such a short period of time. It was strange and exciting and terrifying all at once.

And now it was gone forever.

Gritting his teeth, Bill opened the door to his car, getting to his feet. He might as well brood inside. He couldn't stay locked away in his car forever.

The blonde barely made it three steps when a voice called to him.

"Hold it right there, Cipher!"

Bill's mood darkened further.


Turning, he gazed at the platinum haired boy, making it clear he had no interest in conversing.

"What do you want?" He hissed. Gideon stepped forward, face red with anger.

"What do I want? I thought that would be obvious."

"It was a rhetorical question. In all actuality, Gideon, I really couldn't give a shit even if I wanted to. Now leave me alone." Bill was about to turn away, but Gideon grabbed his arm.

"Don't even think about it. You and I had a deal remember? I give you the journal, you make Dipper remember and bam! Apocalypse. But I'm not seeing any fire and brimstone, Cipher." Gideon growled. Damn, if Bill didn't know any better, this kid might actually be scary.

But Bill did know better. He was from the mindscape after all – a terrifying world of madness and chaos. He'd seen plenty of things that could make grown men unable to sleep at night. And one of the worst just so happened to be himself.

"Here." Bill lifted his keys and unlocked his car with a beep. "Journal's in the back seat. Go ahead and take it. I want nothing to do with that stupid thing anymore." Bill jerked his arm away from Gideon's chubby fingers. "Now leave me alone." He turned away.

"Bill Cipher! I order you to turn around and get back here!" Gideon called from behind him, and Bill froze at his words, eye narrowing.

"What did you just say?" He asked, voice barely audible. Anger welled in his chest, red hot and out of control.

"I said, I order you to get back over here. We had a deal, Cipher, and I do not intend for you to back out on me a second time." Gideon stated, blue eyes flashing. For a moment the pair stood in silence, before a chilling laugh wrung through the air. The silver hair boy's brows furrowed, and he took an apprehensive step back, unsure what was going on. The laughter was coming from Bill, whose shoulders shook slightly.

"Bi..." Gideon started, but was cut off when the dream demon looked up, eye flashing scarlet. Immediately Gideon was lifted into the air, his small hands scratching helplessly at the invisible bonds around his throat.

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