Chapter 5

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                                                                       10 Years Later


      "Come on Hope! I don't have all day!" I heard Melanie's anxious voice state from across the parking lot, and I hastily gave Jared a quick peck on the cheek. "Sorry," I whispered, "Gotta go." He frowned, letting his blonde eyebrows pinch as his hazel eyes disaprovingly stared at me. "I can drive you home," he suggested quietly, already knowing the answer. "She's my best friend," I told him, and he grabbed a peice of my dark hair then let it fall as he said submissively, "I know."

     I ran over to catch Melanie, who was already walking towards her car, her brown curls bouncing with each step. "What's the rush?" I asked breathless, when suddenly she wheeled around, her brown eyes lit up with excitement. "Well," she started, "You're probably going to disaproove, but there's this new guy, and I guess he was a senior at Bayview Highschool, but he got moved him to our school because he was falling behind, cause I guess we're supposedly a better school, blah blah." She continued walking, and I followed her, smelling her flowery perfume as she began again. "ANYWAYS," she emphasised, "I saw him, when I came this morning, park next to my car. I guess he stayed back a couple years at his old school but, my god Hope, he is so hot!" Her car came into veiw and she gave a little squeal when she saw that the guy's car was still there.

     She pointed to a black Civic and did a little dance, then ran inside her car, shutting the door behind her. I slid into the passenger seat, and looked at her questioningly. "So what exactly is this guy's name?" I asked, though I honestly didn't care, I had a boyfriend already. "Sam... I think," she replied, looking in the review mirror for any sign of him. The name hit me in a certain place, and I didn't know why. Suddenly, I was more curious.

    "THERE HE IS!!" she chirped, fixing her hair in the mirror and then turning to me. "Talk to him! His car is on you're side!" I looked at her in disbelief. Was she serious? But she was already rolling down the car door window. When I turned, I was looking at a tall frame, muscular but gawky. His skin was lightly tanned, his dark hair slightly long.

    "Hey." I said out the window, ready to just ask him how he liked the new school.

    He turned around to face me and suddenly I recognized his soft brown eyes, his kind smile. My heart fell to the bottom of my stomach and I queitly heard him reply "Hey", a minute too late. My stomach was on fire and I was just sitting there, staring, suddenly at a loss of words.

          I was grateful as Melanie piped up behind me, "You're Sam right? How was you're first day?" He was silent for a while, still looking into my eyes. Then he pulled away to give her a friendly smile. "Yeah I'm Sam. And it was good," he shyly added, "I guess." I didn't have to look at Mel to know she was grinning ear to ear and batting her eyelashes. "I'm Melanie Carr, and this is Hope Stryder, just incase you needed a pair of friendly faces to show you around." He looked at her gratefully and sincerely replied, "Thanks, I needed that. Well I'll see you around, Melanie, Hope." He said my name slow and careful, as if trying it on his lips for the first time.

    And I liked the way it sounded.

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