Ch.1: The Text

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One night during a movie night at Sara's she received a text. She ignored it at first until her friend Lola decided to speak up "Are you gonna see who that is?" She asked puzzled and smirking. Sara was never the popular kind of person, so whenever she got texts, Lola always assumed it was from one person in particular. "I'll look in a minute. And stop looking at me like that. I don't think she's into me that way anyway." Sara laughed and pushed her friend playfully as that continued to watch the movie. After a few moments Sara decided to open the message. It was from exactly who she thought it was from:

"Hey beotch"

"Hey, girly what's up?"

"Nuthin kinda bored and wanted to bother you. Whatcha doin?"

Sara smiled at the texts from her friend. And giggled at the odd replies she would get to just simple texts:

"I'm currently watching Coraline with Lola. What r u doin?"

"Just thinking.

"What r u thinking about. And if it's you thinking about getting another animal. DONT. You already have 3 lol.'

"No stinky lol. But i do have a question for you"

"Yeah go ahead, ask away"

" I was wondering if maybe you would want to go out with me on Saturday. Like go see a movie? Maybe grab some dinner?"

Sara sat there mouth agapez in absolute awe. Somehow a light pink blush slightly warming up her cold pale face. "Hey what's wrong?" Lola asked noticing her friends face had a lot more color to it. Sara slowly turned her phone toward her friend and showed her the text. Lola's mouth was also agape with awe. "Tell her yes, you liked her since the day you met her, and you know it. Say yes! I know she will find out about us eventually, but say yes anyway."

She stared at her phone for a minute longer, and her fingers heasitated to make a response.

"Yes! Absolutely I would love too. I'll see you Saturday!"

She smiled and locked her phone placing in face down onto the couch.

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