Ch 6: Do I Have to Drink That?

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(( In this part Kira is going to meet the Vampire council. Considering she is a new-bee at all this.))

Sara grabbed the keys and they got into the car. "Put your seat belt on, kitten. We are going to a secret place but you can't see. So I'm gonna blind fold you this one time. But the next times we go I won't." Sara said putting the scarf on around her confused girlfriends head.

They drove off and headed tword an abandond mansion. Sara gave Kira a passionate kiss and they got out of the car. " What was that for" she asked takeing of the blindfold. " I don't know, cause I wanted to" Sara responded and smiled.

Together they walked up to the big door of the mansion. Sara knocked on it and a large dark figure opened the door. "Password please." A loud booming voice came from the figure sounding slightly British. " O-positive" Sara responded, sounding also a bit British. 'She must be mocking him. Silly.' Kira thought to herself.

They walked through the doorway, walking into a large room with 2 sets of stairs leading up to rooms of the unknown. They walked to the dining room to the left and saw people drinking from other people. Making Kira gag a little, earning a glare from some of the vampires making her jump from seeing all the red eyes glare at her.

They walked into the next room where there were 6 thrones set up. Kira looked at them for a second and they were empty, she blinked them there were people there. 'WHAT THE FUCK' she thought seeing as though the people had just appeared in front of her.

As they got to the thrones Kira could smelled something sweet. ' It smells like candy over here' she thought smileing at the thought of candy.

In the thrones there were 4 vampires. Kira stopped when the tall male that escorted them stopped but Sara didn't. She kept walking. She walked to the largest throne smack dab in the middle of the 5. "Your majesty." They all said with a bow. She smiled at Kira and winked. "Sara is there so ethi g your not telling me babe?" She said looking up at her very powerful looking girlfriend. " Kira dear. I hate to break it to you but. You have a royal vampire for a girlfriend." Sara said in response smileing at her with her fangs and blood red eyes. "Great," she said sarcasticly," but why am I here?" She looked around the room and saw 6 empty caskets. One with Sara's name on it, and the one next to it had her name on it.

As she stared at the caskets, she didn't realize Sara had come up to her until she smelled the candy smell got closer to her. "Sara why does it smell like- OH MY FUCKING GOD WHY DO U HAVE THAT!" she said realizing the cup of blood in her hand. "Well I was gonna drink it..." She said sarcasticly. "Nah I'm just kidding. No you have to drink it." "Why?" She said backing up but got stopped by the tall butler. "Drink it babe. Its good I promise. You will starve if you don't" Sara responded. "But, Sara its blood," she said as her eyes turned yellow from the smell of the red sweet substance in her girlfriends hand.

She couldn't take it anymore. The smell was to strong, she snatched it from her girlfriends hands and put the cup to her lips. She put it down briefly "Do I have to drink this?" She asked and Sara shook her head ythe Kira put the cup back up to her lips and took one sip. The substance went down her throat.

Her eyes grew wide and the yellow turned blood red. She gulped the whole cup down. She put the cup back in Sara's hand. And wiped what blood was left on her mouth off onto her hand. Licking it off afterwords.

"Are you ok?" Sara asked. "Yeah. That was really good. I thought it would taste like it did when I was human, all metalicy and stuff. But its tasted sweet." She responded. "I love you " they both said and she joined the 6th throne.

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