Ch 3: Time to Eat

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(( A/N: This is about to get real kinky up in here. All steamy and sexy. If you don't like it skip to the next chapter))

As they pulled up to the restaurant she smiled. "I've never been here before. I've always wanted to though." Sara exclaimed with excitement. " Kira parked the car and quickly whipped around and reached into the back seat grabbing a green bag with gold tissue paper sticking out. "So, I got this for you. I figured you would think you were under dressed so, I got you something kinda fancy," she chuckled handing Sara the bag ", but I got Lola's help on sizes and everything. So hopefully everything fits." She blushes so hard her ears go hot and smiles watching Sara tear open the bag. When she gets past all the tissue paper she sees a bundle of black lace with a shoe box underneath. "Now there are a few things in there for you. If you want, you can change in the car and I'll meet you inside. I wanna see how you look as a surprise." Kira said opening the car door. "I'm leaving you with the keys so make sure you turn off the car and lock it when your done." Sara quickly claimed into the back seat and started tearing off her shirt and pants. As she pulled the long, black, lacy dress she gasped "Oh my God. How the hell is this chick affording this. Like I'm literally in the back of an HHR made in 2007. And this restaurant is so expensive. I don't understand but, hey whose gonna look a gift horse in the mouth." She chuckled and continued to pull the dress out to gain access to the shoes. She opened the box and saw the cutest pair of black Mary Janes. Shoes shes always wanted. She teared up and smiled at the thought of how well Kira actually knows her. As she tossed the bag to the side a sliding sound came from the bag. She grabbed it and pull the shoe box back out and grabbed a wrapped box. As she toar open the green wrapping paper from the small box it reveiled a jewelry box. She slowly opened it to find a small gold bracelet with a small citrine stone. She beamed and quickly put it on. After a once over making sure everything was good she grabbed her phone and the keys out of the ignition. She stepped out of the car and adjusted everything to ensure nothing was riding up. As she was walking up she clicked the lock button on the key fob and beeped the car horn twice. Satisfied she walked thru the double doors of the restaurant. "Hello there! Welcome to Mondo Meraviglioso. Do you have a reservation?" The host asked smiling as Sara walked thru the door. "I think so? Maybe under Holloway?" She said peaking her head around the corner looking for Kira. "Oh your with Kira. Let me bring you to her." The host smiled and tapped Sara on the shoulder guiding her to the table. As she walked to the table she noted all of the paintings on the way. As they got to the table Kira quickly stood up to pull out Sara's chair. Sara smirked lightly and sat down. Kira rounded the table and sat back down. "Let me know if you need anything. My name is Justin." The host smiled sweetly as he walked away back to the host stand.
They went to her room and watched TV and played video games for a while. Sara notices some things in her closet, like weird "kinky" things, like colars and other things she didn't even want to figure out. But she just kept playing.
Kira got mad because Sara kept winning at every single 2-player game that she had. So her solution was 'Tackle then win.'
It worked out pretty well till Sara kissed her, causeing blush to show up."I -I'm sorry was that to soon. You were there and-" she was inturupted by Kira kissing her back. But this time it lasted longer. A lot longer, like makout session.
The kiss from Sara made Kira sink deeper and deeper every time. Sara licked Kiras bottom lip asking for entrance. Kira alowwed, a wave of shock went through her as Sara's tounge sweeped over her own.
They're tounges fought for domance, Sara won. Sara adjusted and climbed on top of Kira letting her see that she was top. Sara slip her cold hands up Kiras shirt sending shivers down her spine and giving her goosebumps. Kira stopped her and got up to get something from her closet.

((I started to run out of room so I'll continue on the next page!))

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