Ch 4: It hurts...

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(( A/N: This one has stuff about self-harm! So if you don't like that stuff then skip over that stuff. But this chapter is cool! You get to see what happens after they're sexy time. I think its cool!))

Kira sat up on the bed. Her long black hair. A absolute mess from last night. She looked over and saw her still half naked girlfriend wrapped in the sheets.
Kira stood up getting off of her bed. Her vision got blurry" What the fuck?" She said, wakeing up Sara just in time before she fainted.
"OH MY GOD KIRA! HOLY SHIT!"Sara said pulling the sheets off of her and jumping across the bed to her girlfriends side.
She picks her up and puts her back on the bed. She sat down nest to her after putting her shirt on. She looked at her girlfriend who loomed almost as pale as she did. She examined more of her than she did last night. She noticed the large selfharm scars on her inner thigh and the top of her arm near her sholder blade. She wondered' Why would she do something like that to herself.' Then she remembered all of her family disowned her for being gay.
Kira groaned in pain and started to reach for Sara. Sara held out her hand so she could find it. Once kira had her hand she opened her eyes. Sara stared at her. Kira stared back. They locked eyes for only a few seconds. Sara sat there shocked at what she had done to her girlfriend." What's wrong? What happened? Why does my neck hurt?"
Kira said seeing that Sara was in shock. " Ah, well, your neck hurts from last night remember," Sara said, flashing her fangs at her girlfriend making her laugh a little, ", and 2nd question awnsered. Uhm you fanited. That's all I know. And the 1st question. I'd rather not say..." Sara said hanging her head, starring at her lap where all the purplish hickys were. " Sara what is wrong?" Kira said sitting up and scooting closer to her. "I mayhaveturnedyouintoavampire..." Sara said whispering.
" Sorry I didn't hear that please say it again." Kira asked. " I may have turned you into a vampire." Sara said louder, this causing her to fly off of the bed into the corner where she couldn't get her.
" Its ok babe. I'm not mad. Remember I told you that you could only do it if you wanted to. I'm not mad I swear. If I was then I'd be dead." Kira said smileing at her girlfriend. Sara looked up and flew back onto the bed. "Really your not mad." Sara asked, Kira shook her head no. Sara grabbed the collar that Kira was wearing and pulled her into a kiss.
"You know this means we are life partners now, right?" Sara said pulling away from the kiss. " Yes. As long as I'm with you I'm fine." She replied.
"God your so cheesey. I love you"
" I love you to master!"

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