Ch 8: Who is Chairle Anyway

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Knowing that the boy in the other room had to be someone. The name sounded so familiar to her she just couldn't put her finger on it. After hours of research she found an article about a lost 5 year old boy that went missing in 2005. His name was Charlie Hasenburg he had long black hair, peirceing blue eyes, and a scar just above his left eyebrow.

After reading his description and finding no picture she printed out the article and went to the room he was in. She knocked on the door hopping he wasn't mad at her. " Hey sweetie. I brought u something to eat. Idk if I'm aloud to do this but I feel bad. Do you like pop tarts?" She asked holding out her hand, handing it to him. "Thank you." He said quietly. "I have a question. How old are you?" She asked with a motherly concerned tone. He looked up at her chewing on his strawberry pop tart and raised his left eyebrow, where his scared could be seen out of his shaggy black hair." Why may I ask?" He said growing curious about the small ,now, black haired vampire sitting across from him on his cot." I feel like I know you. I just don't feel right feeding off of you cause I feel like we know each other." She said wondering ' Who the hell is this kid. Actually now that I think about it we might be the same age.'  as she stared at the ground. " I'm 18. Almost 19. But I do know you. But I'm not suppose to tell you." He said looking down at the floor ,all sad and scared, on the carpet where a blood stain lied.

Kira's eyes darted up to this boy who seemed oh so familiar and walked over to him. "What do you mean you can't tell me?" She asked curiously. Worried that he might be someone she hasn't seen in years. Kira started to walk toward him staring meanicingly at his face which was growing more frightened by the second. " I made a promise that I-" he hesitated for a split second and said the most haunting words Kira had ever heard in her life.

" Remember that kid from high school, the one you used to always eat lunch with. Remeber the kid with the purple hoodie that he always let you barrow. Remember 'Charlie the emo unicorn'?"

When she heard those words she broke down onto the floor. She sat there wondering that ' if he was him, what was that article?' He continued to talk to her but she couldn't hear him over the rage, sadness and depression running through her head. He saw a single tear run down he foundation covered face. Her black makeup starting to run down. her face with that single tear. With a quick glance back up at him. She walked out of the room. Leaving him with his thoughts and a slightly broken gameboy that Sara put in there.

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