Chapter Three: Long Stary Night With You.

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After they finished the whole facilities, Hanji went to The Commanders office to report that she finished her work.

Going out the Commander's Office she ran up outside remembering that Levi told her to go there.

She saw Levi from a far distance leaning at the Tree and she smiles running head to it.

"Shorttyyy!!" She called up to Levi running as he clicked his tongue into it.

"What happened back there?" he happened to ask Hanji as she sits along with him leaning at the tree with a view of the stary night on the sky.

Levi gave her a piece of bread and Milk. "Thanks!" She says smiling widely to him. "Don't mention it." He says while looking up to the sky with his back leaning on the tree.

"About there, The Commander says he didn't expect me to be able to finish that, so he congratulate me saying that i should not mess up again." Hanji says while eating. "As if you will really follow those words you gave." Levi says as he runs his finger on his raven hair taking a deep sigh as he look up to the sky. "I wonder what kind of kid are you there on your home, tsch.. Your parents must be stressed out." He added gaving Hanji a look.

His eyes widened a little seeing Hanji's eyes almost watering. Its the first time he saw Hanji on that kind of situation, a deep sadness was on Hanji's eyes.

The bubbly brunette haired girl was now on a deep sadness, he could tell it by her eyes and frowns.

"O-oi.. Four-eyes why-" Levi became worried about Hanji's face but then Hanji happened to cut his words with her single tear dropping from her eyes. "Oi! What's wrong??" Levi faced her with a worry on his face.

"Y-you were right.." Hanji replied as she wipes her tears on her cheeks using her hands. "Eh?" Levi replied with a bit confused face.

Hanji smiled at him sadly. "I bring a lot of head ache to my Mom, before she get murdered.." She whisper on a low tone voice making Levi's eyes widened at the Moment. No one sees her this sad ever since her feet land on this Training Camp, even if the other trainee's were making fun of her, even if The Commander yell at her, gave her a merciless punishments, even if how many times she lands her back at the ground because of being thrown, that never makes her sad.

"My Dad was a Scientist when he was alive, he was always there for me since my Mom died, always telling me about how wonderful the outside world was.. But.. " She holds up her sobs and look up to the stars shining. "He died 3 months ago." She sighed and look down. "I was never been a good daughter.." She said as she wipes her tears away and put up a smile. "But Daddy also says that i should stay happy.. And go on everything i desire." She looks up again smiling with her eyes sparkling.

Levi remained silent as he was listening to her and watching her. "So.. That's why you always mess around even if everyone will hate you.." He clicked his arms crossing it. ".. And your still happy, even if the worlds like this.. Even if its cruel for us.. " He paused and look down. ".. For me.. " He sighed and look at Hanji who was listening into him. ".. For you.." He sighed and look away.

Suddenly Hanji lift his head up facing the sky. "The world is cruel.." She whisper silently , loud enough for both of them hear it. "But its also beautiful." She added with a cheerful tone of voice.

Levi pulled away quickly. "You can only say that because the world became once beautiful for you!" he said in a bitter tone as he look down turning around from Hanji. "What do you mean-" She asked but then, Levi followed his words. "What about those people who's never been given a chance to be happy? What about them? What about ME?!" He ask in a bit high voice as he turn around to face Hanji. "I never felt love from a family.. My Mom was a prostitute.. My father? I never knew him because he just left after knowing that he got my Mom pregnant, since my mom was a prostitute, he didn't believe it was mine. Well, who would believe a whore right?" His eyes were watering and his blank face was finally showing some emotions. A painful emotion!

"L-levi.." Hanji mutters his name as she tries to touch him. "Mom never cared for me.. People on my neighborhood doesn't care about us either.. Until.." He paused as he grave his face the side of his shoulder. "My mom get sick.. Since .. I'm just a kid.. I just watched her.. Die.. Her skin.. Riping.." He holds back his tears.

Hanji hugged him from the back trying to make him feel better. "Bottling up your feelings will not going to make you feel better.. Let it out.." She says as she pats Levi's back.

"Then what? Show your weakness so that the others will use it againts you?" Levi gently took away Hanji's hand from being wrapped againts his back. "I'm not like you, Four-eyes!" He hisses at her. "I can't see this cruel world as a beautiful one like you state." He says with a deep sigh and look at Hanji who was currently looking at him. "I never experienced a beautiful world." He added with a bitter tone. "How will i know?" He said looking down at the grass.

The wind was blowing at them and their hair was drawing by the wind.

Hanji sat beside him and lift up his head once again looking up to the sky. "Look at the Sky Levi.. What do you see?" Levi stares at the deep darkness of the sky above them and sigh. "Its all in deep dark, What the sense?" He ask with a blank bored voice.

Hanji shook her head. "You're indeed right, but that's not the answer i am looking for." She says as she looks back at the stary sky. Levi clicked his tongue. "This is nonsense.. Why would you expect me to have the same perspective in things?" He said as he stands up but, Hanji grabbed his hand and make him sit again. "Please?" She mouthed as Levi roll his eyes and sit down with her again. "You're right, the Sky was indeed dark" She paused and look at the sky again. "But you forgot those stars in it.. They are shining bright despite of being put on a dark galaxy above." She said smiling as Levi starts to look at the sky above. "And what about them this time?" He asked in a usual bored tone. Hanji chuckled and bump his shoulders using her. "Oh, come on shortcake! Can't you be a little artistic?" She ask sarcastically.

Levi clicked his tongue. "No, i don't like." He replied with an annoyed tone.

Hanji sigh and smiled once again arranging her eye-glasses. "Lets say that the dark sky was this cruel world and the stars are the people. Us." She smiles looking at Levi who's now looking at the sky as well. "Like us, the stars were there at the dark place above there.. But, they didn't gave up on shining.. That's why the sky are beautiful. Because of the shining stars during the dark night." Hanji says with a smile on her face. She took Levi's hand and squeeze it.

"No matter how cruel the world is Levi.. It can be beautiful.. Once you decided.. And yes, its up to you.. Just like the stars, we are to decide how do we make our world beautiful." She says as Levi's cheeks grew rosy and he looks away turning around. "Well.. How can we have a beautiful life, when those titans are outside the walls?" He sighed and slowly took his hands away.

"Well, that's why we're here shorty! We are to help saving the humanity! Not just being devoured." She says cheerfully. Levi hide a smile on his lips. "Next time, don't hold my hand when its not clean.." He says as he took her hand to stand up.

"We must go to bed after the patrol guard spot us." Levi says with a smirk. Hanji smiled as she thanked Levi. "Thank you for helping me.." Levi smirk and click his tongue. "Only for tonight Four-eyes. Now? Go to sleep shitty glasses." He push her gently at the door opened, waying to the girls dorm.

"Uh.. And thank you." He added with a pink shades at his cheeks.

Hanji smiled with a puzzeled thought. "For what?"

Levi smiled a little before turning around. "For the stary night with you" He mouthed as he walks away with his hands in his pockets.

Hanji was left there being frozen with her red cheeks. "Did.. He.. Smile?" She bit her lip and smiled as well. "Holy wall of maria.. He's really gorgeous.." She said to her self as she goes at her bed.

"What a nice stary night with you.. Levi" she says before drifting herself to sleep.

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