Chapter Seven : Who says i dont?

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After a couple of years being separated which seemed to be forever, the two met again.

Hanji recieved her first uniform, and with her backgrounds that happened to show that she's professional enough, she was immediately assigned as a new squad leader, having her own squads and being incharge for Titan Experiments.

Hanji was now reading her book while sitting at her new room together with her office when suddenly, she heared a knock.

A short height man appeared at the door with his emotionless eyes glaring at the woman sitting with a hand on her book, Hanji.

"Shorty, come in" She smiled at him and glances back at her book. Levi steps inside while lurking his eyes inside. The room is as big as his room, but a bit of more unorganized. Levi rolled his eyes knowing that the woman cant clean her area, together with herself. "Why are you here?" He ask with his cold voice as he steps closer eyeing down the window. "I want to be here, i don't want to spend my life there inside the wall Sina.. Remembering the fact that i have to sneak out just to find Titans? was killing me, i never wanna be there at the first place!" She replied with her smiles and let out a dramatic sighs. Levi look at her without giving an effort to reply at her statements.

Hanji tap her fingers on the table, she may be thinking of something, and she stops as she threw her fist on the air, finding out what was her next thing to do. Levi just watched her without taking his eyes off of her.

Hanji took her diary and writes something. "Levi?" She called his name in between those writtings, its the first time she called her again at his name since she got here, most of the time she was calling him from his stupid nicknames she made out. Levi tilted his head. "Yeah?" Hanji stopped writting and looks at Levi, meeting his eyes. An electric shock stunned these two, but too tough to hide it. "I was wondering.. Did you ever m--" Hanji was about to continue her words when a knock on the door interrupted them. A ginger haired girl with her innocent and sweet appearance, together with her Amber eyes was revealed with her smiles it was Petra. "Greetings Corporal and Squad leader, Commander Erwin just ordered me to remind that the two of you should attend the meeting this afternoon regarding for our next expedition." She politely exlaimed glancing those two who was listening to her.

Hanji nodded with a smile. "Yeah, tell 'em I'll be there as early as it starts." She replied as she straighted up her glasses. Petra smiled in return, glancing at Levi who was placing his hands at his pockets. "That would be so great, Squad leader." Petra replied.

Levi never pick his words up until Hanji elbowed him causing him to slightly loose his balance. "Hey, what do you say? You going or not?" She asked him as Levi rolls his eyes and smack Hanji's forehead lightly causing her to laugh. "Of course, four-eye, What is it being a Corporal when i wont be there? Where's your shitty brain?" He smirked at her forgetting the prescence of this ginger haired girl. Levi cleared his throat remembering the fact and threw his glance at the girl who was now having a fun looking at the two. "Well, Petra, this shitty glasses who happened to be a Squad leader is Hanji Zoe," He pointed Hanji while introducing her as the brunette smiled back at Petra. Levi turned his gaze at Petra pointing her. "And she was Petra Ral, part of my Special Operation Squad." Petra smiled  with a wave as Hanji's lips form 'Oh' and then smiled.

"Nice meeting you, Squad Leader Zoe." Petra smiled.

"The feeling is mutual, Levi's Petra." She replied with a cheesy evil grins causing Petra to blush and Levi to be angry. Petra salutes and say her goodbye as Levi turned at Hanji who was laughing right now.

"Fuck off, Four-eye!" He hisses at her with his deep stern voice. Hanji just laughed even more ans starts on elbowing Levi. "Haha.. Oh wall maria! You didn't even tell me that you have a heart to be fall in love! Haha!" She burst out on laughing once again as Levi grabbed her collar. "Shut it!" He growl at her with his angry appearance. Hanji went silent for a moment their face grew closer causing her to blush.

A month of silent went between the two.

"Why, Levi?"  Hanji broke the silent between them as her face grew darker than usual.

"What, why?" Levi replied as he furrows his eye brow caused by confussion.

"Why were you like that?" Hanji looks down looking sad, for the first time Levi saw her sad and it starts to bother him even more.

"What am i?" He replied mildly than ever, causing Hanji to put her hands at Levi's who was now holding a tight grip at her collar.

"You didn't even tell me.." A tear almost formed at Hanji's eyes, together with her rosying cheeks.

"Tell you what?.." Levi gulp between the intense moment of being close with Hanji's face, a 3 inch more closer and their lips would met in instant.

"THAT YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND ALREADY!! HAHAHAHA!" She groan in laughters which made Levi grew more angry and irritated at the same time, knowing that she faked the sadness who'm concerned him was quite a cut in his gut.

He step slowly walking about with this crazy girl in his front, it annoyed him so much that she faked her emotions and she almost decieved him, he hated the fact that Hanji's situation can hit him, he hates the fact that she can get into his nerve, and he much hated that Hanji would think that he is already taken. And he didn't even know why would he be affected with that, considering the fact that it wasn't true at all.

He was about to close the door when he heared Hanji talked once again and he didn't even noticed that it already stopped laughing.

"That's why.. You didn't seem to miss me.." That voice of her was almost a break inside of it. Was she still faking it?  He asked himself in a tad-bit confused.

He was on the outside of the room and he almost fully close the door when he heard that. She maybe thinks that i'm already gone.. He asked himself again before sighing. But maybe she wanna fool me again.. He rolled his eyes and leave.

"Fuck you, Idiot." He swear under his breath in annoyement.

"I dont miss you?"
He rolled his eyes repeating her words in an undertone.

He stop walking for a moment and glances back at the door who was slightly open, and smirked.
"Who says i dont?"

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