•Twenty One•

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With a wordless shout of defiance, Fairy Tail charged into battle. For a moment, reinforcements seemed to shove back the shadow creatures. But it was only for a moment. They were nearly impervious, so no matter how much they were roasted, smashed, sliced, or frozen, the Hounds either reformed or two more sprung up to take its place. "This is ridiculous! EVERYONE, WE NEED TO REGROUP!!"

'No need to shout, Erza. I've linked everyone up.' Warren's voice echoed in her head. 'But I'm with you on that one. We've been spread really thin.'

'This is so stupid! No matter how much I blast these stupid things, they keep coming back!!' Natsu complained.

'I think the fact that some of them absorbed your fire is way more annoying.' Gray grunted.


'Focus!' Erza snapped. 'Where is everyone?!'

'Levy-san, Droy-san, and I are in a building, taking care of Lucy-san and the others.' Wendy answered.

'Droy put a vine wall around my runes, so we should be fine.' Levy added.

'I'm fighting my way towards Gramps.' Laxus grunted. 'The Raijinshu're with me.'

'It looks like that creature's dark energy is infecting the wounds it makes on Master and Mira.' Evergreen pointed out.

'Hold on, we're coming!' Lisanna chirruped.

'Lisanna, left!' Elfman cried.

'Has anyone seen the bastard doing this? I can't find 'im anywhere.' Gajeel cut in.

'We lost him in the confusion.' Bisca said grimly.

'Careful, you've been spotted!' Jet called.

'We see them.' Alzack answered.

'Master? Mira? Can you hear us?' Lily asked.

'Of course I can. Your babbling is giving me a headache.' Makarov grunted immediately. The only sound from Mira was a mental moan.

'Hold on, we're coming!'

'Go Ever!'

"Fairy Gun: Leprechaun!" Evergreen shot into the air, blasting the skeletal creature and distracting it long enough for Makarov to hand Mira to her siblings.

"URAAAAH!!" Hands free, Makarov began smashing the shadow creatures into the ground.

'Master, come to us! I'll heal you!' Wendy cried.

'I'll be fine. This damn poison can't spread as fast when I'm so large.'

'Careful Ever!' Elfman called as he and Lisanna raced away.

'Worry about yourself, you big lug!'

Erza threw a spear through a pack of the creatures, revealing Natsu and Gray. "Thanks Erza!" Gray called.

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