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"Oh where~, oh where~ has my exper~i~ment gone~?"

"Why?! Why're you-please leave us be!!"

"Oh where~, oh where~ could she be~?"

"No! No, please, NO NO!!"

"With her lit~tle red eyes and her lo~ng blond hair~"


"Oh where~, oh where~ could she be~?" The figure continued to hum to itself as it dropped the twitching corpse. It walked among the bloodied and mangled bodies, squishing limbs and kicking heads as it went. Seeing a form that was mostly intact, the figure savagely stomped down and broke the man's remaining leg.

Unable to hide his pain, the man howled to the sky. The figure snickered. "You thought you could hide that beating heart from me?" They snorted contemptuously. The man let out a stream of curse words, which only seemed to amuse the figure. "You're a treasure-hunting guild right? Little mice, scurrying around, picking all the shiny bits out of the trash. Tell me, little mouse, where did you find this?" The figure held up a slightly curved piece of metal. On one side was a round mechanism that appeared to have been smashed. The man spat at them.

The figure ripped out the fingernails on one of the man's hands. "Naughty mousie." They cooed while the man screamed.

"DAMN YOU!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!" He shouted.

The figure gave a delighted clap. "Oh~! You can talk~! Goodie~! And don't you worry..." The figure's lips curved into a dark smile. "I already am." Just as quickly as it had appeared, the smile disappeared. "Now then!" The figure was back to being cheerful again. "Where did the little mousie sniff this out?" They shook the collar shard again.

"You think -cough- after you just slaughtered all my -cough- comrades, that I'll play your sick little game with -cough- you?!"

"Yep." With the casualty of someone plucking a grape off its vine, the figure ripped out the man's left eye. The man screamed so loudly that it echoed off the nearby cliff. "Come now." The figure laughed. "You have another one, no need for all the noise." The man whimpered, blood dripping from his eye socket. "And if you don't start squeaking, little mousie, then we can really start playing." With a wicked grin, the figure pulled aside its cloak to reveal several shiny tools on their belt.

The man's remaining eye widened. "W-We just found it!"

"Oh~?" The figure cocked its head. "Where, little mousie~?"

"U-up that way." The man pointed to the north. "It was hidden in a little cave. W-we thought it might be important, so we took it, but it just turned out to be chunks of this weird rock."

"Yes, perhaps...." The figure appeared distracted for a moment and the man began to ever-so-slowly reach toward his pocket. Without a word, the figure smashed the man's head against the ground and with a quick slice, cut out the man's tongue. Holding the man's head still until the thrashing and twitching stopped, the figure stared down for a moment before breaking the man's neck with a single stomp. "Now then..." The figure began walking into the forest, flipping the broken collar piece in its hand. "A101.3 removed her collar, huh? If she followed the perpetrators responsible for the theft of the files, then the collar would draw attention to her. So she removed it to stalk her prey, but who is the prey? No dark guild would dare...then again, they wouldn't even know of the base's existence..." The figure leapt into the air, landing deftly on a large branch. "Or is it that meddling Counsel..." The figure was quiet for a long moment. "Either way, only a few would even have a hope of being able to decode the files." Laughing into the night, the figure launched itself forward. "I'll start with those Council fools and who knows? Maybe I'll start a war~!" Cackling loudly, the figure disappeared, leaving carnage in its wake.

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