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A/N: random doodles pt.1

The pair sat in silence, a contrast to their noisy surroundings. Neither gave any clues to their emotions or thoughts and it almost seemed if they were having a competition to see who would speak first. "Here's your drink Ryuchi." Mira said.

"Thank you."

"J-Mystogan, did you want anything?"

"No thank you." He answered, his voice muffled and the strange silence descended between the two once more.

"You could at least try to be friendly." Merendy pouted, plopping onto the seat next to Jellal and poking him. "Especially with such a little cutie."

"I'm not much for small talk." He replied.

"Yeah, I can see that." Abandoning her attempt, Merendy leaned forward to look around Jellal at Ryuchi, who was sipping her drink. "Whatcha got there~?"

"Kiwi juice."

"You like kiwis?"

"Yes." A long pause followed.

"She's just as prone to small talk as you are." Merendy said to Jellal, leaning back. Jellal grinned, though no one could see it. "You're laughing at me, aren't you?" Merendy pouted.

"Whatever would give you that idea?"

"Hey, Ryuchi-chan!" Asuka trotted over excitedly. "Do you want to play?"


"Yeah, play! Mommy and Daddy are gonna take me to the beach, so I was wondering if you wanted to come so we can play!"

"The beach?"

Asuka put her hands on her hips and smirked. "Can't you say anything other than repeating what I already said?"

"My apologies..."

"Come on, it'll be fun!"

"I...suppose so, I-"

"Great!" Asuka grabbed Ryuchi's hand and yanked her towards the door. "Mommy, Daddy, Ryuchi's coming with us!"

"How wonderful." Alzack said.

Bisca said nothing, but after realizing that the blond girl was staring at her, she quickly smiled. "We're happy to have you along."

"Yay!" Asuka cried, hugging the dragonslayer tight, before pulling her along again.


Asuka tossed off her sandals and ran into the surf as fast as she could, giggling as the waves tickled her feet. "Daddy, Daddy, come on!"

"I'm coming sweetheart." Alzack called back, carefully pulling off his shoes.

Bisca watched as her husband and daughter played in the surf with a happy smile on her face. She picked up the discarded shoes and tucked them into her bag. She sat down on the beach, digging her toes into the hot sand. Suddenly she heard soft footfalls behind her and she swung around, pointing a pistol right into Ryuchi's calm face. "O-oh, it's just you." Bisca sighed, putting her weapon away. "Sorry, Ryuchi, I thought-"

"It was more of my people?" Ryuchi finished. Bisca opened her mouth to speak, but the child kept talking. "The collectors who took your child. Did you think I was them?"

Bisca hesitated and she was very conscious of how intently Ryuchi was watching her. "What...do you mean by 'my people'? You don't...you're Fairy Tail."

Ryuchi took a step closer. "The collectors took children, the scientists experimented on children, the trashmen disposed of the children's remains if there were any, all to ensure I would be the perfect weapon. All of that, that was for me." She took another step, then another, until she could easily reach out and touch the woman. "All of it, including your daughter's abduction and the fate she was supposed to suffer. That was for my sake." Bisca floundered at the cold look in the child's eyes, unable to speak. Ryuchi took another step, until they were a mere handsbreath apart and then leaned until they were almost nose-to-nose. "Do you hate me for that?" Ryuchi's gaze flicked downward at Bisca's hand, which was trembling with the urge to grab a weapon. "Or do you fear me..?" Bisca shuddered, almost hypnotized by the child's eyes. Ryuchi gave a delicate sniff. "Your scent is strong."

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