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A/N: This might not need explaining, but the italic words are Ryuchi's narration of the previous day, while the normal words are the flashbacks to the events she is referencing, some of which she is not privy to.

End of Day Report: 001
I am Subject A101.3, but I have been given the name Ryuchi. I am staying with the Fairy Tail guild, though I also have 'parents' in the guild's Sabertooth and Crime Sorciere. Yesterday, they collectively decided to have an event known as a 'party', which apparently involves the consumption of alcohol and the destruction of property. I cannot say I didn't enjoy it however, as I also received many 'presents', this journal being one of them. I was also allowed to have a piece of cake, which made me happy. Guildmaster Makarov was very upset about the damage, (even though this is apparently the norm), and so when they woke up this morning, he had a little surprise for them.

"Juviaaaa~! Juuuuuviaaaa~!"

"Shush, don't wake her up!"

"Oh, c'mon Gray, I'm sure she'll be delighted by this whole thing~!"

"...that's what I'm afraid of..."

"Merendy?" Juvia yawned. "Gray-sama?"

"Morning~!" Merendy giggled. Gray just sighed.

"Huh? What's going on?" Juvia asked in confusion.

"Explain this Gramps!" Natsu yelled.

"Ow! Careful Natsu, we're attached!" Lucy squeaked.

Makarov was sitting cross-legged on the railing of the second floor, looking extremely angry. "What this is, Natsu, is punishment for completely destroying the guildhall. AGAIN! All of you will be handcuffed together in groups of three for the next 24 hours. Now get cleaning."

"Um, excuse me sir, but, uh, we're being included in this?" Rogue asked uncertainly, raising his hand and pulling Gajeel's up as well.

Makarov fixed him with a fierce glare. "Did you help destroy my guildhall?"


"Then there's your answer. Chop chop, people."

Makarov had separated the more destructive ones into groups of three and attached them with magical handcuffs. They were opague and not quite touchable. The cuffs only had about two handlengths in between them, but the chains later proved to stretch quite a distance whenever near a bathroom or bath. The other good thing was that chains were intangible and could go through solid objects, ensuring they wouldn't become tangled or get stuck on anything.

"...well, this could've been a lot worse." Sting grinned, patting Wendy on the head.

"Yes!" She replied happily.

"Something about the other arrangements though...it seems odd..." Rufus mused.

"Mira-san probably had something to do with that. She loves playing matchmaker." Wendy sighed.

"Juvia is with Gray-sama and Merendy! Juvia is so happy~!!"

"Heck yeah! Sleepover~!!" Merendy laughed, hugging Juvia. Gray moaned, surrounded by a dark cloud.

"Why am I attached to this idiot?!" Evergreen screeched.

"A real man takes any punishment!" Elfman replied.

Bickslow cackled. "I'm gonna have fun being attached to you two all day."

All day, all day! His babies repeated. Freed stood stiffly in awkward silence as Laxus and Orga glared at each other over his head.

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