Chapter 2

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I was examining posters on the wall when I sensed someone beside me. "I see you twice with the small space of around sixty minutes. How lucky I am today?" I whispered smiling

He shushed me "Remember"

"Yeah yeah. But you need to remember that I suck at math and I'll be at your classroom soon this week."

"Of course Miss Amethyst"

It pained me to be formal "Thank you Mr Ren"

"Good day" I could feel his breath by my neck and it sent shivers down my spine. Then he left.

Rey walked out of the office with all her items needed "ready to get lunch" I asked.

"Yes." Rey nodded "so-"

"Is everyone here somehow related? Or connected? Yup"

"Yeah. How did-"

"I'm smart at guessing what people want. Just not textbook smart. I really don't like being forced to learn something."

"So how are you connected"

The breath caught in my lungs "physically" was all I said. Rey raised an eyebrow but continued following. The answer seemed bullshit but it was enough.


We got lunch and sat down "lemme see ur schedule. Maybe we have some classes together"

Rey was grabbing as much as she could put on her plate. "Umm....yes that would be nice."

"Amethyst!" a voice said as we finished with the line. It was Poe.

"Hey Poe. Where is Finn?"

"Just grabbing some food." he said and smiled. "Who's this chick?"

"I"m Rey." Rey said with her mouth full. She swallowed and took a sip of juice before shaking his hand.

"Rey transferred here." I said. "From somewhere where apparently food is like ancient treasure."

"Everyone is really nice here." said Rey. "so umm...I imagine the principle keeps records of who everyone's parents are. The ones that pay for the tuition"

"Yes probably in her office or on the system. Why?" Poe asked.

"Let me guess you don't know sent you here so you want to find out." I said

"It's silly but maybe family found me and... it's silly.'

"That's not silly" I patted her shoulder "my parents just ditched me here. Which is fine. Like..."

"Hey babe" Poe smiled as a black man walked up to them

"Hey honey" he leaned down and kissed him briefly while setting down the food. "Hi I'm Finn" he noticed the new student at our table.


"Pleasure" he handed Poe a few things. "So is amethyst your roommate?"


I sighed staring at the teacher's table; Hoping to catch a glimpse of Kylo "If only my boyfriend was open about our relationship"

"Who's your boyfriend"

"She won't say" Finn and Poe said at the same time.

"I like animals." said Rey. "Why I thought that was relevant I don't know."

Finn and Poe laughed.

"You can go get seconds you know." I reminded her.

"That was my seconds." Rey replied and then felt her arm nudged.

My Teacher, My Lover, My Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now