Chapter 8

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A few weeks passed and it was December. I burst into the dorm "He's gonna tell his parents." I was beaming

"That's good?" Rey seemed confused.

"It is! We've been beating around the bush for 4 years. Avoiding being near each other. This is such a great moment"

"Do I get to know" she was hinting at me telling who he was.

"Well, I don't know."

"What does that mean"

"You'll flip when you find out who it was"

"Fine. Tell me whenever. But you better tell me"

"Will do" I grabbed Rey's hands and spun around. "We are semi public!"

Rey laughed, pleased me. "Oh..." The laughter died, "I don't know what's happening at Christmas, do I go back to the orphanage....or..."

"You should ask Principal Organa."

"Yeah. I'm meeting Ash later. We are going a walk. So back to you. Do you think his parents will like you?"

I froze. "They... Uh... Already know me."

"What do you mean"

"Well like I said everyone is connected. And well he's a little deeper than what I should be in" I started to toy with her finger nails.


"So ash is taking you on a walk hmmm?" I quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah. He said since it's cool outside its best to take in the scenery" she took note of the sudden change in topic

Rey bundled up and opened the front door. "I'll be back soon."

"See you later lover girl" I called


The night was brisk, snow was on the pavement and grass, glittering, white snow. I was just strolling on the sidewalk I was pulled behind a tree.

Looking up I saw Kylos dark eyes. No time to take a breath before he closed the distance between us.

The rough bark from the tree dug into my back. Suddenly there was a loud bang. There seemed to be a ringing and a stillness in the air. I moved to see what happened.

Red started to stain the ground around a female. The female was Rey!


"Rey!" I shouted as I ran over to her. Quickly skidding to my knees and applying pressure to the wound.


"Shhhh. It's gonna be ok." I shushed her. "Han is gonna be here soon. Stay with me" I begged as she started to fade.

Han was taking too long. Kylo saw that we were struggling. He ran over and picked up the small woman. "No time to lose" he started to run towards the nurse. Han came over and started to deal with Ash.

"GO!" He yelled. Kylo wasn't even within earshot because he was already half way across campus. I was close behind.


Hours of waiting. My hands covered in blood, and tears staining my face. They transferred Rey to a hospital, Kylo and I rid in the ambulance. Currently we were all in the waiting room. Kylo, Leia, Han, Luke, Chewey, and I. I hated the harsh lights in the room. The silence, the soft clicking of a clock or nurse typing at the front desk.

Hour after hour. I never dozed off once. Kylo sat close to me. His warmth gave my comfort.

A sigh left my lips when I saw a doctor come out. "Mrs Or-"

My Teacher, My Lover, My Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now