Chapter 18

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"Rey!" I uttered when Rey walked up to me, still by the twins. "Anakin....just gave us all a scare."

Rey just smiled wryly and smoothed my hair.

"They've got nice blankets in there. I bet their mum and dad is already planning on getting them better ones though." she stated. She was acting weird, but I shrugged it off.

"Kylo said you had to go. Where did you go?" I asked Rey. "Why didn't you stay?" She was soaking wet, why was she outside?

Kylo bowed his head guiltily and Rey swallowed. "I had to make some phone calls and there was this woman in the waiting room and she needed something and I said I'd run an errand."

She looked back at Anakin and Sapphire. "I see they have similar facial markers to Kylo." stated Rey. "Let's hope they don't have the same expensive taste in shampoo as their father."

"You used the shampoo before I did." Kylo stated.

"I never paid for it though." Rey responded. "They're going to be like their mum. Nice and kind. Not grumpy and emotional like their dad. Skywalker males though always have the dominate genes for being drammatic. Apparently. So Sapphire you're going to have your hands tied stopping your brother having an emotional breakdown every time his hair parts or he is told he can't go out."

"I'm not a Skywalker" Kylo mumbled to himself.

She turned and looked at me. "Do you need me to get you some clothes?" she asked.

I waved her hand away "no. You on the other hand, you need some new clothes. I wouldn't suggest mine from earlier. They should be thrown away."

Rey looked down at her clothes. Water was dripping off of them. "It was raining"

"I know." I replied, I hated moving around on the wheelchair, but the hospital wouldn't allow me to walk on my own.

"When are they letting you check out?"

"Soon I hope." I replied. Of course just because I would be signed out of hospital wouldn't mean I would be leaving. I'd have to stay there, with my children. That was something there'd be no questioning about.

"Can I get any of you some tea or something...." Rey inquired.

"Tea. How British." I mused. Kylo walked up to me, letting me rest my head on him. His muscles are firm but strangely comfortable.

Luke signalled to Rey it was time for them to leave. "Come on." he whispered, guiding her out.


The next week they let me go home and get the house ready for the twins. Since there was no home to go to I moved in with Kylo. He already had my things so it was about time I officially moved in with him.

With that we were finally a happy family. I hope that it would stay that way.


It was a couple of weeks later. Rey was sitting with me as I held Anakin. "Tomorrow they go out. The doctors are happy and they have no organ problems. Although Anakin still gave us that scare. That's why Sapphire and Anakin are staying the extra day. I heard Finn had to re-take a test."

"Yes. He's pissed but that's why we do our tests in April so we can have time to do a resit or two."

"Do you have to do a resit?" I asked.

"Nope." Rey smiled. "Successful."

"Bet you already looking at your college options huh."

"I umm.... bought a present for Sapphire." Rey said and took a small package out of her bag. "It's a baby bangle. It's got a sapphire jewel. I didn't get Anakin anything yet. I had no ideas. But I will."

Rey put it on Sapphire. "It suits her!"

"Don't you have Finn to tutor, Rey?" Kylo's voice asked. "My children and fiancee need their rest.'

"He failed by one mark. A mark you could have just given him on the side."

"Cheating will not be tolerated." Kylo said.

"Love you Amethyst. Love you Sapphire. Love you Anakin." Rey said and began to make her way to the door. "Love you Benjamin."

"It's Ben not Benjamin and it's not Ben it's Kylo."

"Whatever you say." Rey replied.

"Rey. Get the FUCK out." Kylo replied.

"OKay. Bye." responded Rey and made her way out the room, turning back to wave.

I smiled. I was glad things were getting better but I cried in the shower that morning when I noticed her C-Section stitches, it was beginning to scar. It just brought back the feelings I had when it was all happening. Not to mention the water was painful and I had to have Kylo help me as I started to sob in the shower.

Kylo picked up Anakin. "You're going ot be just like my grandfather I know it." Kylo said.

"he's going to be just like how he wants to be."

"Which was what my grandfather was like."

"Uhuh." I smiled.

"Why does my daughter have that on her wrist?"

"Rey bought her it."

"They buy babies bangles for sentiment only not for accessorising. Doesn't that girl know anything? My daughter will not be a boy magnet!"

I rolled her eyes. "It's only small saphires in it." Imagining a teen Sapphire walking around, complaining about not being allowed to wear makeup.

"Cheap metal. It'll make her wrist go green."

"It's solid silver actually. Tiffany's."

Kylo blinked. "Right.... not cheap metal then."

"Calm down. She's going to be boy magnet, jewelry or not. You're going to have to accept that."

Kylo's eyes widened and he looked horrified upon realisation.

"Boys in the playpen, sandpit, teachers...." I teased.

"Home schooled." was all he uttered.

I laughed. "We'll discuss this later." Home school was a great option, but not one to teach her how to interact with people. I shook my head. I would talk with Kylo about it later.

"Nope. We've discussed it now." responded Kylo and sat down with Anakin, smiling and cooing to him. I rolled my eyes and watched them.

My Teacher, My Lover, My Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now