Bribbles ~ Massages

32 4 26

Here's a Bribbles fic! starring;
@BristleTheWolf and myself!

"Hiya Boobles!" Bris says happily, smiling brightly at the exhausted girl who'd just walked into the house.

"Hey..." Bubbles replies, throwing down her stuff and collapsing on the couch beside Bris.

"Rough practice?"

"You don't even know." Bubbles scoffs, thinking of the director saying 'one more time' even though they did it ten more.

Bris laughed quietly, moving closer to Bubbles. "I could help you relax...."

Bubbles glances at the brunette beside her, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Really?"

"Really." Bris mummers, moving to press her lips against the others.

It started out gentle, ssweet but quickly deepened as fingers tangled in bright orange hair and hands were placed on hips, desperately wanting to bring the other closer. Once they finally pulled away, after an impossibly long time, Bubbles rested her forehead against Bris'. Bubbles couldn't hold back the yawn, which caused Bris to laugh.


Bubbles nodded. "Very."

Bris smiled, moving so she was behind Bubbles. Bubbles sent her a questioning look, but Bris just smiled and started massaging her shoulders. Bubbles sighed in relief and leaned back involuntarily. She had been desperately needing a massage, she'd has a terrible knot in her shoulder from many, many hours of practice.

Bris continued to massage the others shoulders, occasionally giggling as small moans escaped the orange haired girl. Eventually, the orange haired girl had fallen asleep. Bris pulled Bubbles back gently, snuggling against her. She pulled a blanket over the two. She brushed bright orange hair out of the way, placing a gentle kiss on the girls head.

"I love you Bubbles." She murmured, cuddling closer to the other.

"I love you too...." Came a quiet, mumbled reply.

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