EZnomi ~ I Love You More

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here we go with an EZnomi! Featuring



A hospital bed, a slow, rhythmic beep, the slow rise and fall of her chest, the annoying tick of a clock, the only thing really keeping time in perspective. A week. It had been a week. A week since he'd seen her beautiful smile. A week since he'd seen that mischievous look that would sparkle in her beautiful blue eyes. A week since he'd heard her voice, the voice that he could listen to for hours and hours and never get annoyed by it. Or her laugh, it was so contagious, and so beautiful.

It had only been a week, but it had felt like months. He didn't understand why this had happened to her. It should have been me, he pondered sadly. He knew it was true. She was so perfect, too perfect to deserve what had happened. It was supposed to be a simple night, go out to dinner, then cuddle and watch a movie till they were both too tired to stay awake. But no, nothing can be that simple, ever. Why would I expect something good to happen in my life, he thought briefly, but that thought vanished as the memories from that night not long ago filled his head.

A patch of ice, a guardrail, a moment of blinding pain, the fear of seeing her unmoving, the unsettling feeling in his gut that it was all his fault. The sirens, the flashing lights, a commanding voice yelling orders. The tears that stung his eyes as everything unfolded.

He blamed it on himself, he was to distracted by her, his beautiful girlfriend, to be driving carefully, like he should've been. He had been entranced by her beautiful laugh and the smile that had accompanied it, the same smile that reached her beautiful blue eyes, which were so complex yet simple.

He knew she would berate him about these thoughts he's having. She'd tell him it wasn't his fault. But he knew it was. He would forever blame himself for this. Even if she did eventually wake from this endless slumber. He'd always blame himself.

He sighed deeply, intertwining his fingers with hers. Tears glistened in his eyes as another memory came back. She loved singing, and her voice was absolutely beautiful. She loved singing to him, because he couldn't sing, not well at the very least. She would sing the song that she called theirs, 'Can't Help Falling In Love'.

"Take my hand." He sang shakily, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Take my whole life too."

The tears that had glistened in his deep blue eyes spilled onto his cheeks. Those words, no matter how simple, meant so much, especially to him. He wanted to live the rest of his life with her.

"I can't help, falling in love with you." His voice shook as he tried to sing, but his voice faded as he looked to the beautiful girl that lay before him.

Oh how true those words were. He couldn't help but fall in love with this girl. Everytime they kissed, it felt like the first time all over again. Everytime he gazed into her blue eyes, he felt that flutter in his heart. Love. Oh love was crazy. It made you do crazy things. But that love he felt for her is what kept him going.

He rested his head on their conjoined hands, letting the tears slowly fall down his face. His heart ached, seeing his beautiful girl like. Just seeing her upset made his heart ache. He didn't know if he could live without her. He didn't want. He didn't think he could. But, as long as her soul was still here on earth, then he'd be as close to ok as possible.

"I love you more." He whispered, his voice strained, as he waited for a reply that he might not ever get.

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