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Title: The Plan
Scene 16: Inside/ Pizza Place

Stephie: Finally!

Steph: What?

Stephie: Some fucking food my ass was starving.

Steph: That's why you have hands duh.

Ale: This bitch only makes sandwiches.

Stephie: Shut the fuck.

Ale:(sticks her tongue out) Bitch.

Stephie: Where's your sister?

Steph: I don't know she's been acting weirdly.

Stephie: She's on crack.

Steph: Crack cocaine and heroine. I wouldn't doubt it.

Stephie: I expected it from her to be honest.

Ale: Naisa hasn't showed up either.

Steph: I'm pretty sure she's almost here.

Stephie: True.

Naisa and Maria walk in. Maria stops and looks around careful before continuing to walk. They sit at the table and Naisa smiles.

Naisa: Hi guys.

Ale: Bout fucking time

Naisa: It's not so easy getting here.

Ale: You don't even live that fucking far.

Naisa: I was taking my time.

Stephie: The fucks up with you.

Maria: What?

Stephie: You're on drugs aren't you.

Maria: What. No.

She keeps looking around the crowded room.

Maria: Have you guys by chance seen the boys in here?

Stephie: Ew fuck no. I'd rather stab myself with that spoon.

Ale: I hope the fuck not.

Steph: She's only like that because she's catching feelings for kiwi.

Naisa: I fucking knew it!

Steph: No there is now another kiwi since you were on that family trip.

Naisa: Oh, aw I shipped it.

Stephie: Same here but she fucked it all up.

Ale: I did not! I simply lied to get him off my back.

Steph: She fucking humiliated herself in front of the entire class.

Stephie: A moment that went down in history.

Ale: Shut the fuck up. No one speaks about that shit.

Naisa: Talking about speaking she's not so much.

Naisa points a thumb towards Maria that keep looking at the door every time someone enters.

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