Weddings and Wounds

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Remus and Tonk's wedding was a quiet, yet enjoyable affair.

"You guys should go somewhere." Suggested Ari. "For your honeymoon. Remember the small house the Potters had in Venice, Italy? Mia and Fleamont left it to me... so you're welcome to go there."

So they went to Venice and returned, four days before the day Harry had to be moved.

Ari's house had a battered shoe for a Portkey. Remus came in, with a wounded George.

"Remus, what happened!?" She cried and he filled her in about how the Death Eaters had attacked them in midair.

"Well, shit." She muttered, pulling out her wand. She bent over George and muttered several incantations. She stopped his bleeding and prevented the wound from growing.

"Ari... the Portkey, it's stopped glowing." Said Remus.

"Give me a second. I need to save his life." She muttered as she put more spells on his ear.
"Create a new one. I'm almost done and you should be gone to Molly as soon as you can. She can heal it but if I don't do all this immediate stuff, he'll die."

"It's ready." He said.


And they were gone. When Ari went to the Burrow for Bill and Fleur's wedding (she declined the offer to join Harry's birthday party), the Weasleys thanked her.

"Oh George, it was nothing." She laughed.

The wedding was pleasant, but boring. She spent most of the time patrolling the tent.

When Kingsley's Patronus came, she pushed Hermione into Ron and watched them disapparate.

Then, she escaped to her house which she found surrounded by Death Eaters so without further ado, she went to Scotland which was safer than any other place and the time being.

Walking into Potter Manor after all those years was difficult. She went inside and to the large living room where Hestia Jones was waiting.

"Hey, Hestia." She greeted. "Can we switch duties? I'm on the run." She made a face.

"Darn, they took over the Ministry?!" Cried Hestia. "Oh no... well, what's your duty?"

"I don't know yet. Go to the Burrow. They'll make you do something. I'll take your job."

"You sure you can handle them? These Dursleys are horrid people, you know."

"I know. And I can surely handle them. Don't worry, Hestia."

So, she was left with the Dursleys which was a job she knew she could handle. Better than Voldemort's torture, anyway...

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