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He never changed the locks and I always kept the key. It was the one thing I had binding me back to Michael. This poxy silver key. I'd admire it daily knowing the bumps and grooves perfectly in my head as it was a picture imprinted in my brain. 

The promise ring he told me "never remove it and I'll always be with you" I never removed it I couldn't find the strength to do so. It was worn, tatty and tired looking but held so many memories inside. Memories of happier times. Memories when we was together, a pair, practically inseparable. I wanted to hold onto those times I need to remember and never forget.

Has he changed his hair? We've spent countless nights choosing colours from bright blue to brown. It was fun, everything was with Michael. I couldn't have dreamed for more than him, ordering a take out I'd alway force him to the door with the dye covering his forehead just to embarrass him and after the first couple of times he realised I was doing it purposely but he didn't mind he'd still go to the door and come back with the food placing it on the island counter in the middle of our kitchen just because he knew it made me happy.

Did he still love me? That was the question burning into the back of my head but also the one I tried to avoid. I wanted him to love me, I wanted life to go back to normal but could you really go back to loving someone who pretended to be someone else for three years and has been on the run for another year? Michael was never honest with me, he always told me he was just another agent working for the FBI and if I didn't know what I knew I would've believed him. Michael is a criminal and I'm a spy, maybe that was why we worked so well together. It was a twisted fairytale and I'll I wanted
was the happy ended, it was all I longed for. Ever since I was a kid visiting Disneyland seeing all the pretty princesses dancing with their princes every time it became just that bit more magical, but that picture perfect ending seemed to be floating further and further away from my reach and my reality at this moment was nothing. Just a haze of what could've been.

We always stayed within a close proximity of the office and Michael, apart from the times when Tom and I went home. Our parents had moved to a small place just outside of London the name is now a blur in my memory but I could never forget the house. It wasn't anything special just the typical detached house in that area but the inside was wonderfully decorated it was liked our old houses which was of a very chemical set up, a hospital theme was running throughout my childhood houses. 'Clean and tidy' they would call it but it was more than that. It was my mothers obsession with everything needed to be in its place not a centimetre out, her obsession with everything needing to be practically perfect. She was sick, mentally just no one ever wanted to admit it especially herself, she was always 'just fine' but this house was nice. She was no longer 'just fine' she was happier better even and for me and Tom to see her this way it truly was amazing. We wasn't the perfect kids and for the longest time they wouldn't talk to Tom for letting me work with him but they accepted it. They accepted us both for what we had become and that made them the best parents we could've ever dream for.

Should I be coming back? He did ask me too so that's a good sign, I dropped contact with Ariel and Alex a few weeks ago. It was causing them stress, neither Calum or Harry wanted them to have contact with me once they found out I was living by a different name once they realised I was a Keen I don't blame them. Everyone in the FBI knows my brother. I couldn't be the reason for the downfall of their relationships either.

Arriving at the house my key fluently fitted into the lock. I was scared to enter Michael was clearly upset on the phone. Not drunk but upset I was worried about what I may find upon entering. Placing my bag on the floor underneath the table and turning around to close the door as quietly as possible. Now around facing the stairs with my back against the door remembering all the memories and trying the brace myself for what sight I may possibly see when I enter the front room.

It was silent, deadly silent. A strange thing for this house neither of us was quite people.

Michael wasn't in the living room, maybe he had gone out in the time it took me to get her. I entered the kitchen he was standing there, looking tired black rings circling the underneath of his eyes. He's jumper too large for him the arms folded up. He used to let the hang, he'd crunch them up into a ball inside his hands and I'd always call them sweater paws.

He looked so sad, and different. He was never sad when I was around. He was bright and colourful a spark of light you could always count on.

There was two cups of freshly made tea on the counter placed next to him, maybe someone else was here, had he moved on? He picked both and handed one to me "I never forgot how you liked your tea, lots of milk no sugar" he said with a half heated smile I saw some light in him maybe he wasn't completely destroyed.

Signalling over to the dining table he takes a seat I followed slowly while studying the house looking for any small things that could've changed. He moved nothing. "May I?" I ask before pointing towards the seat directly in front of him I felt like a child but I couldn't just assumed I could sit. It wasn't for me to decide it was his. "This is still your house" he says before picking up his tea taking a big gulp from the cup then placing it on the table in front of us.

No one spoke, we just drunk occasionally catching the sight of each other in the corner of our eyes. It was awkward it was never awkward with him. Everything just felt sad and quite.

"Profile me" he says quietly "you worked as a profiler at the bureau, profile me"  I didn't know what to say nor what to do. So I did it just like I used to when I was working. I made a list.

"You're sly, deceitful and a liar.
Some may even say relentless.
You remove all who are obstruct you.
You're a secretive man, you live your life on the base of trust no one tell no one.
You never let people become close because you believe close relationship make you vulnerable."

Once I got there I paused I had to think for a second before I continued

"You're a kind man.
For those you let in you'll always be there for them.
Those few you do care about you protect."

I was finished, I had nothing left to say by this point I was visibly crying and Michael eyes was becoming to look more and more bloodshot. Every word I said hurt the pair of us and I couldn't do this no longer. He hadn't said anything and it worried me. "My turn" he announced drawing me away from my thoughts once again. I didn't want him to do this but I nodded my head in compliance.

"You see Elizabeth, you let me for a year. That's a lot of time to research a person. I couldn't believe you're a keen. Tom was always a good friend of mine at one point" before he pauses and starts to profile me

"You're also a sly, deceitful liar.
You're good at what you do, you trick and play games to get what you want.
Show a smile and wear some makeup to cover up how you feel.
Mask your true identity.
You'll ran rings around a person and drive them crazy.
You draw them in and catch them with ease.
You're a keen" he finishes up.

Every criminal knows the name keen. Tom had created such a brand for us. It gave us protection from people but it also warned people away from us.

The room was silent once again neither of us knowing what to say. I was hurting and so was he. I want him back so bad. I want to see my friends I want my life to be normal but it was never going to be normal again. I still loved him and I was always going to love him.

"I still love you" we both said like a harmony together at the same time. Michael stands up and walks round to my side of the table. Standing above me, I was crying now harder then I was before. I stood up and he engulfed me in a hug, crying into his chest. It felt wrong but so right.

Michael's POV;-

I don't mind who she is or what she's done. I can't loose her again but I'm not sure who I love, the person Misty used to be or the person Elizabeth has become?

I always knew from the start there was something about her maybe that's why we fitted together like a puzzle pieces because our life's are really puzzles to each other.

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