Chapter 1

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"Mum, I don't want to go to daddy's!" Daya cried out for the hundredth time that morning. She stood in her mothers doorway and stomped her feet defiantly. 

"Too bad, you have to. It's not up to me, love." I sighed packing all of Daya's clothes into her small suitcase.  "It'll be fun." I walked over to her and kneeled down grabbing her little hands in mine. "And when you get back we'll have some fun too."

"What kind of fun?" She asked her sparkly brown eyes staring into mine. I was glad she didn't have her fathers eyes. Gosh could you imagine if I had to look at those every time I saw my daughter. 

"Well, it'll be halloween the day you come back! So me and you and Auntie Steph are going to go out trick or treating all night long." I smiled and her mouth curled up into the biggest grin ever. She had her fathers smile. 

She hopped around and cheered with excitement, just like I knew she would. "I can't wait! We can all dress up as princess'!" She grinned running out of my room into hers.

I finished packing her stuff and brought it out to the front room. Daya came out a few moments later with the outfit she picked for herself. I always let her pick out her clothes, it made her feel like a big girl. 

I dressed her in her white tights and pink tutu and her shirt that said "I'm a princess, mommy's a queen and daddy's around here somewhere." 

I loaded her and her stuff up into the car. This was the worse part, the drive to his house.It was about an hour away but with a 2 and 1/2 year old it felt like forever. You'd be surprised at how many bathroom breaks you can make in an hour. 

"Ready Daya?" I asked looking in the rearview mirror. She nodded as she stared at her ipad that her dad had gotten her. Oh how he loved to buy her presents.

I listened to Doc Mcstuffins episodes being played over and over again for about a half hour before the first bathroom break was requested. Usually it was after about 10 minutes. I stopped at a gas station and got Daya out as we went inside. 

Harry was a complete idiot and I wasn't exactly a genius either but Daya was something else. We're not really sure what happened but she's very advanced for her age. She learned how to use the bathroom about 2 months ago and she was able to crawl and roll over at only about 4 or 5 months. She was walking my 13 months and she started talking fairly well about 6 months ago. And let me tell you she hasn't stopped since. Another wonderful trait from her father...

"Mummy, can I get these?" She pouted holding up a bad of cheesepuffs. They were her absolute favorite but I know that she'd get cheese powder all over my nice black interior as well as herself. 

But I had a week spot for those big brown eyes so I let her get them anyway. Plus, her dad can clean her up when we get there. How lucky is he.

We stood in line to pay for it when I picked up a magazine. 

"Harry Styles seen leaving a club with two Victoria Secret models late tuesday night around 2 a.m. Rumors are circulating that the two were seen leaving Harry's apartment the next morning." 

Looks like things haven't changed. I put down the magazine and turned it around so Daya wouldn't see it. She can't read yet but I still don't like her seeing her dad on the covers of things. She lives a very lime light life which I absolutely hate. But there's not much you can do. We tried to keep it concealed but once the divorce got out all hell with paps broke loose. 

We've both talked to her a lot about it and I know it's something she's going to have to live with. After all her name is Daya Styles. 

Once we were done I strapped Daya back in and we were back on the road. I glanced back a few times and saw Dayas mouth completely stained orange from the cheese puffs along with her little fingers. 

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