Chapter 7

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"Luna, are you okay?" Liam asked as my eyes concentrated on Harry and the girl. I knew Harry was most likely going to bring a date but to bring the woman that he cheated on me with was disgusting.

I think the only ones that knew who she was, were the boys and I. After our fight I thought he had broken things off with her which leads me to believe this is just to make me angry.

"I'm fine." I mumbled turning around and facing the rest of the table.

"Momma, where is daddy?" Daya asked me, bread crumbs all over her face.

"He's busy right now but you'll see him later. You're going to sleep over his house tonight." I told her and a big smile found it's way to her face.

After Harry and I's big fight he had called me the next morning and reminded me that in our deal he was supposed to have Daya on weekends and of course today is Saturday. Funny how he's missed every weekend for the last 6 months but all of a sudden he's reminding me of the deal.

The food came around a little while later and I reminded myself to thank Gemma for making sure the catering had a special plate for Daya knowing she wouldn't have eaten the fish dish or the steak one.

"Momma look cake!" Daya squealed standing up on her chair and pointing to where Teddy and Gemma were cutting the cake. "Oh momma, can I have some?" She was practically begging me as she carefully climbed from my chair to hers sitting on my lap.

I usually didn't let Daya eat sweets because she gets so hyper for such a long time but she was Harry's problem tonight.

"Of course, as much cake as you want tonight." I grinned and she wrapped her arms around my neck giving me a big squeeze.

Daya ended up eating my slice of cake and hers and by the time she was done nearly the entire bottom half of her face was covered in pink icing.

It was time for all the dancing and as Gemma and Teddy walked out to do their first dance I vigorously tried to unstain Daya's face from icing.

"Awh momma." Daya cooed looking at Gemma. She was so cute sometimes... okay all the time.

Towards the end all the couples started to join in on dancing with them and I watched Harry drag out the girl to the dance floor. The fucking nerve.

"Momma, wanna dance? C'mon momma." Daya jumped down from the chair and tugged on my arm trying to bring me over to the dance floor. I gave in and followed her to the dance floor where I grabbed her hands and twirled her around.

For a second it was just me and my beautiful daughter dancing and having the time of our lives with no worries. I watched as she giggled,  me and her just spinning around. "Woah momma I'm dizzy." She giggled as I picked her up and did my own little moves with her in my arms making her laugh.

"Can I steal her for a dance?" I turned around to see Harry standing there.

"Daddy!" Daya shouted reaching her arms out to him. He took her and put her down on the floor the two of them beginning to dance.

He looked over at me, flashing a warm genuine smile but all I could do was roll my eyes and walk back to the table.

The only one sat at the table was Liam. "He's unbelievable." I said barely above a whisper as I sat down next to him. "Look at him, having fun with her for the first time in 6 months. How do you go that long without seeing your child? I don't get it." I felt myself getting upset but I really tried to surpress it. This whole scene was just too much.

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